Best Self Potrait

Length 1-2 Pages double- spaced, title page not included, Times
new roman 12 point

When going through change you may have more to gain by developing
your gifts, skills and natural talents than by trying to compensate or repair
your weaknesses. This assignment is a systematic way to discover who you are at
your very best. It will provide you with an insightful image that serves as a
reminder of your competence in the past and as a guide for future action.

Carefully read the article How to Play to Your Strengths by
Laura Morgan Roberts et al. This assignment follows the steps as described in
the article.

1: Identify respondents and ask for feedback (30-45 Points)
The first step in this process is to collect feedback from family,
friends, teachers and colleagues, to develop a broad understanding of
yourself. You will develop a list of
potential respondents and draft an email to ask for their feedback. Youll need
at least five people to respond, so you might want to send it out to 8-10

2: Recognize Patterns (45-55 Points)
Analyze the feedback you receive from your respondents and come up
with common themes, based on the observations your respondent shared with you
and integrated with your own observation.

3: Compose Your Best Self-Portrait
(40-50 Points)
Based on common themes and pattern from step two, youll write a
brief, two to three paragraph, description of yourself that summarizes who you
are at your best in the first person, using I-statements. The description
should integrate the feedback from your respondents and your self-observation.
Length 1-2 pages, double-spaced, time new roman 12 pt.

In addition to the 1-2 pages of your self-portrait, include one
page with a list of respondents and quotes from the emails with the feedback
you received. Just copy and paste; do not worry about formatting these.

am a conscientious hard-working individual who is very focused on a goal. I
show passion and perseverance with all the things that I pursue. I know what I
want and do everything to get it. I have an eye for details and bring order in

am a creative and caring team player, who prefers to work with others. I am
considerate and always pay attention to what other people think and feel, even
in the most difficult circumstances. I like to come up with new and creative
ideas and I like to think outside of the box. I often am the leader in a group
who gets people to buy in and join new ideas

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