Case Study of the Wicca Religion Background

Attached is the proposed topic for the Paper-please write based on that (20 page paper). The paper will need to include a Comprehensive Outline (4 pages)
1. Must indicate format/structure of final paper
2. Must indicate what primary sources will be cited, and where
3. Must include thesis statement as well as supporting arguments
To enable you to begin working immediately on your research paper, I am providing the paper
instructions and guidelines at the very beginning of the semester. You will want to begin to think
about possible topics right away. Do some initial research to determine your interests and the
availability of sources.
The final paper will consist of a case-study of a historically and/or culturally significant example of
magic and/or witchcraft in world history. Your case study should be clearly defined and focused,
but broad enough so that you will have the necessary sources to explore it thoroughly. The final
paper must contain a central thesis, clear organization, Chicago-style citations, and a thorough
bibliography of at least twenty sources, including both primary and secondary. See the research
paper rubric for more specific guidelines regarding content expectations. The paper must follow the
formatting instructions contained in the syllabus and the Chicago Manual/Turabian
All papers are to be typed in a Times New Roman 12-point font, and must be doublespaced with 1-inch margins.
The final page will be the 20 sources

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