Translation & Languages Question-How do you view your own dialect relative to “Generalized American English”

Reflection Paper 1

Read some/all articles listed below and uploaded in Brightspace (In Readings folder):
King and Kinzler (2020) LA Times Op Ed: Racism and bias against speakers of African American English
Ro (2021). The pervasive problem of ‘linguistic racism’.

Savini (2021). How professors can and should combat linguistic prejudices in their classes. Opinion piece for Inside Higher Ed
Wolfram and Schilling (2015) Chapter 1: Dialects, Standards, and Vernaculars
As you are reading, consider the following:
What are some views you have about speakers of different dialects?
How do you view your own dialect relative to “Generalized American English”

What biases do you have when listening to different people speak or reading texts written in different dialects?
How do you think a teacher or speech-language pathologist thinks about different dialects? (If neither of these are your major, that’s fine, you can still think about this idea)
This class will examine the different levels of linguistic structure (and how we process these structures) including morphology (how words are put together), phonetics/phonology (the particular sounds of a language), syntax (how words are put together to form sentences), semantics (how the combination of words has meaning). For this reflection paper, you should address one of the following based on the readings linked above:
Describe a time when your own dialect was treated as “less than” or “othered” in some way. Discuss how this relates to the readings/lecture.
Describe a time when you heard someone else speak who did not speak with “Generalized American English” and what thoughts you had about the person because of the way they spoke. Integrate what you have learned through these readings and class discussions so far.
How do you think most educators / Speech-Language Pathologists view dialect variation? If one of these is your chosen career path, how will you strive to address dialect differences? Be sure to integrate information from the readings / lecture.

Add some of your own research. In the readings and lecture, the terms “standard” or “mainstream” for “general” American English are used. What other terms could be used? What have others suggested? What are some pros/cons of these different terms?
You may also address something else. If you choose this option, please email me to discuss first.

Evaluate your personal interest in the two career options you identified and compared.

Career Options for Counselor Educators and Supervisors

For this assignment, use the resources from your studies to explore your interest in career options of counselor educators and supervisors and identify program and professional resources that will support your development on your doctoral journey.

Prepare a paper in which you complete the following:

Identify and compare two career options for CES professionals who emphasize counseling, teaching, research and scholarship, or leadership and advocacy roles. Describe the roles and activities typically included in each.

Evaluate your personal interest in the two career options you identified and compared. Briefly describe your potential dissertation topic under consideration, and how the topic relates to one of the areas required by CACREP for CES dissertations (counselor education, counseling practice, counseling supervision, leadership, and/or advocacy).

Describe Capella resources and tools that will assist you in your development of scholar-practitioner skills.

Identify organizations and publications that support scholarship for counselor educators and supervisors.

Describe what you see as your greatest personal resources for completing your doctoral journey. Identify what additional resources and skills you will need to strengthen or acquire to be successful in your doctoral journey.

Additional Requirements
Your assignment should be prepared in APA style to meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Employ effective academic communication skills in a manner consistent with members of the counseling profession.
Length: 3–5 double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page and references list. Include page numbers, headings, and running heads.
References: A minimum of four current scholarly articles to support your work. Your sources should be less than 5 years old.
Format: Use current APA style (7th edition) and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:

Competency 2: Explain the processes and resources available to facilitate the doctoral journey.
Describe Capella resources and tools available for the development of scholar-practitioner skills.
Identify organizations and publications that support scholarship for counselor educators and supervisors.
Identify personal resources that will support success through the doctoral program.


Competency 4: Explain the career choices for a graduate of a counselor education and supervision program.
Compare career options for counselor educators who emphasize different roles in the profession.


Evaluate personal interests in two career options for counselor educators.
Competency 5: Communicate effectively through the consistent use of APA guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a counseling professional.
Employ effective academic communication skills in a manner consistent with members of the counseling profession.


Reflect on how the course materials have changed or advanced your understanding of the topic. Connect your reflections to specific theories, concepts, or readings discussed in class.

The essays should not exceed 7 double-spaced pages (12-point font).
Introduction: Provide an overview of the topic you will be reflecting on.

Body 1: Reflect on how the course materials have changed or advanced your understanding of the topic. Connect your reflections to specific theories, concepts, or readings discussed in class.

Body 2: Based on your expanded understanding of the topic, critically assess a policymaker’s or journalist’s argument about a policing policy or strategy.

Conclusion: Summarize your key reflections and discuss any future implications for your understanding or practice related to the topic.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of the study method you chose (case-control or cohort study)?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the study method you chose (case-control or cohort study)?

This week we are comparing and contrasting epidemiological methods of research; case-control and cohort study methods. Select either the case-control or cohort study method and compare its features, the methodology, to a randomized controlled trial using the following questions. Please format, organize, your responses using each question below:

What is the fundamental difference between the method you have chosen (either the case-control or cohort method) and the randomized controlled trial?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the study method you chose (case-control or cohort study)?

What are the characteristics of a correlational study?

Where does the method you chose (case-control or cohort study) fall on the research pyramid?

What does where it is on the research pyramid mean? Post your response to the DB. Your analysis should have in-text citations and utilize a scholarly voice with APA formatting.

Discuss the way the education system works and how education is presented to students.

The readings for Essay 1 discuss the way the education system works and how education is presented to students. Some of the readings are quite critical of what the education system offers individuals of varying educational backgrounds, race, and class, whether it is through the perspective of an educational historian or a first-hand account. Others offer insight into what needs to be done to create a productive, empowering learning environment for students. Further, most of the readings question how much the education system truly prepares students to be successful in life, and, even further, within the social, economic, and political structures that exist in this country and beyond.

The Prompt

For Essay 1, I would like you to consider what things are most important in an educational experience to prepare students to be successful, fulfilled members of society. Then, I want you to write an informative essay in which you explain three specific requirements for an effective education system. Importantly, as you inform your audience of these requirements, it is important to explain each one in depth and explain why they would be effective and benefit students.

Use ideas presented in the texts that we have read as well as your own thoughts on the matter to determine what you think makes an effective education. As you develop your ideas, explain why these three requirements should be implemented and how they create an effective education. Finally, close your essay with a conclusion that appeals for the implementation of these things in order to improve the current state of the education system. The requirements you propose can include points focused on the type of subject matter that should be taught, effective methods used to teach students, and the types of support and resources that are needed, among other things. You will need to use textual evidence from 2-3 texts from the Essay 1 readings to support your claim. (Texts outside of our reading and viewing list for Essay 1 should not be used in this essay.)

Importantly, you may use whatever education system you are familiar with to focus on in this essay. While the selected texts mostly discuss education in the U.S., your essay does not have to


Compose a well-organized introduction paragraph that sets up the discussion in the essay
Create a thesis that makes a claim about three requirements for an effective education system/experience
Provide specific reasoning to support your main claim
Incorporate textual evidence from 2-3 texts for Essay 1 to support your reasoning
Write using third person point of view only

“Learning to Read” by Malcom X
“Engaged Pedagogy” by bell hooks
“I Just Wanna Be Average” by Mike Rose
“The Essentials of a Good Education” by Diane Ravitch
“Intelligence Is Overrated: What You Really Need to Succeed” by Keld Jensen
“How Thinking Works” Ted Talk by Dr. Derek Cabrera
“The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education” by Paolo Freire
Tips for Writing This Essay

Consider this your opportunity to create a “dream” educational experience in which you can decide what things should be taught and how they should be taught. To help answer this prompt, think about what you would want to see happening in education. What would the class environment be like? How would teachers approach things? What topics would be taught? These are just a few guiding questions that can help you determine your three requirements for an effective education system.
Additionally, it is a good idea to create your definition of an effective education to guide the discussion in the essay. This should take place in the first body paragraph, after the introduction.
Imagine that your audience is a group of people who are concerned about the quality of education they, or someone they care about, is receiving.

Does the introduction paragraph provide the necessary information? (hook, topic, background information, context, and thesis.) Identify anything that is missing.

Does the thesis make a specific claim about the three requirements for an effective education?

A thesis statement should have three parts: a topic, point, and reason. Identify these three parts in the thesis. (Write them out.) Identify if anything is missing.

Does the author explain three separate requirements for an effective education throughout the body of the essay? Are they thoroughly explained? Is there anything that can be explained more in depth?

Does the author explain how the requirements would help to create an effective education? What, if anything, can be explained more in depth?

Is the essay focused on the requirements for an effective education? (Rather, for example, then issues in education.)

Discuss the Strategic Project Management Through Portfolios and Strategic Project Management in Project,

Assignment Question

Discuss the Strategic Project Management Through Portfolios and Strategic Project Management in Project.