What does it mean for RN-BS education, nursing practice, healthcare systems, etc., to try to answer that question?

For the evidence synthesis paper, you will need to incorporate any feedback received on your annotated bibliography, especially related to summarizing and paraphrasing the key findings of the three selected studies, and write a 3-5 page paper. This paper should include:
Background: why is your selected research question important? What does it mean for RN-BS education, nursing practice, healthcare systems, etc., to try to answer that question?
Findings: Rather than just listing the annotations/summaries of your three articles the way you did for your annotated bibliography, the main body of your paper should
Highlight key similarities and differences among the selected research articles
Describe the ways this small “body” of research does and/or does not answer your research question
Draw a conclusion based on the evidence in your three articles
Implications: What does this conclusion mean for RN-BS education, for nursing practice, for healthcare systems, etc.? The implications of your findings will depend on your chosen research question and the research evidence.
Additional Research: Often, evidence synthesis papers (and even research papers themselves) will suggest topics for future research. Given the findings (and limitations) of your selected evidence, what additional research projects do you think would help further answer your selected research question


Explain service and retail marketing principles and analytical techniques

This assignment is designed to assess the following module learning outcomes. Your submission will be marked using the Grading Criteria given in the section below.
3000 words Harvard referencing .
In this assessment the following learning outcomes will be covered:
LO1: Explain service and retail marketing principles and analytical techniques
LO2: Analyse the importance of the retail and services sectors to the world, national and local economies
LO3: Appraise and critique the complex relationships between service and retail providers; customers; suppliers and additional stakeholders
LO4: Critically analyse the role of employees in retail and service organisations
LO5: Evaluate the ethical responsibilities of service and retail organisations in the light of current and emerging technologies, including its digital element.
LO6: Critically analyse the problems and challenges experienced by service and retail organisations and demonstrate thoughtfully considered solutions


American History Project, The Changing American Perspective on the Iraq War and the War on Terror.

Research Paper—The Changing American Perspective on the Iraq War and the War on Terror
Your goal for this research project is to analyze the change in the American public’s (general) sentiment towards the Iraq
War/War on Terror from September 11th, 2011 to the current day. You’ll compare the similarities in the beginning
towards the American stance on World War II and the similarities in the modern day to the American public’s stance on
the Vietnam War. Remember that you’re focusing on the general sentiment/support of the wars in question by the
American public.
Starter Resources:
 Source 1: Perspective on World War I and World War II
o https://dc.etsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=32…
 Source 2: Vietnam to Iraq War – Changes in Support
o https://pages.uoregon.edu/vburris/vietnam_to_iraq….
Paper Requirements:
Your two-to-three-page research project should address the following key topics:
1) Introduction—Provide a brief overview of American support of the Iraq War directly after September 11th, 2001
and the current sentiment towards it as more time has gone on and new facts have emerged such as the initial
claims of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) being shown as false or overstated. Introduce your key points of
comparison to World War II and the Vietnam War that will be expanded upon later in your research paper.
2) American Sentiment Directly After 9/11—Describe the American public’s support of the Iraq War and War on
Terror directly after the terrorist attacks. Do you think this was a justified response or not? What were the primary
causes of support for the war? Provide a counterargument. Make a strong point of comparison to the American
public’s support of World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor to America and the War on Terror after 9/11.
3) American Sentiment in the Current Day—Describe the American public’s support of the Iraq War and War on
Terror in the current day. What caused this change in support? Make a strong point of comparison to the
American public’s support of the Vietnam War to America and the War on Terror today. Create an argument
for whether you support the War on Terror based on the available information you now know.
Citing Your Sources During Research:
Whenever you use information from research on the internet, in books, or documentaries, you must cite (record) your
sources. There are different special formats that researchers use to document important things like where the information
came from, who wrote the original information, and the date of the information.

Explain the difference between external and internal network penetration testing and why both are needed.


Explain the difference between external and internal network penetration testing and why both are needed.

List the major benefits by performing internal penetration testing in an organization and explain why there is a more extensive list of techniques for internal testing versus external.

Describe Program and Career Exploration.

Support from those around you is really important. They can give you the courage and support—emotionally, personally, and in other ways—that you need to continue in school. And now that you know more about your program, the support you have at University of Maryland Global Campus, and yourself as a learner, you have a clearer idea of what brought you here, why you are here, your personal and professional goals, and what support you have and need to achieve your goal of earning a degree.
For this unit’s discussion you’ll put together a motivational speech that you would give to someone you are close to if they asked about your decision to enroll in the university right now. To prepare for your speech, review your Goals, Values, and Motivations assignment from Unit 1. Think about why you are pursuing a degree, what it means to you, and how you will be supported to achieve your goals. Consider how achieving your academic goals aligns with your personal goals, motivations, and values.
Here are some important points to cover during your speech:
How have you or your perspective changed since the first week of class?
What did you learn about yourself?
Why did you decide to go to school? Why now?
Why did you choose the program you are in?
What do you find interesting or exciting about your program?
What do you hope to achieve as you pursue your degree? How about after you finish?
What support is available at the university that you think will be important to you?
What support do you need outside the university, from family or friends?
While you may choose the format for your motivational speech, be sure that it is in a narrative format and tells your story rather than answers each question individually.

Write a Policy Research Report: Multiple regression.

Increasing research evidence has indicated the meaningful effect nutrition and family income between the ages of 0 to 5 has on child development (Birch & Gussow, 1970; Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 1997). You have been hired as a research consultant for an evaluation study examining the effect of the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program and Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program participation during pregnancy on child reading achievement. This is a large evaluation study using a national probability sample, the Child Development Supplement to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, and thus has meaningful policy implications. Using the constructed data set (“good”), the evaluation team has asked you to examine the effect and unique contribution of (1) WIC program participation during pregnancy (WICpreg) on child reading achievement (readss97) over and above the child’s age in 1997 (AGE97), family income (faminc97), low birth weight status (bthwht), and parenting practices (HOME97) and (2) AFDC program participation during pregnancy (AFDCpreg) on child reading achievement (readss97) over and above the child’s age in 1997 (AGE97), family income (faminc97), low birth weight status (bthwht), and parenting practices (HOME97). The evaluation team is interested in (1) each variables individual effect, (2) the total variation of child reading achievement accounted for by the model, (3) the unique contribution of each program participations on the variance of child reading achievement, and (4) which program has a larger effect on child reading achievement.
Thus, you are asked to write a report similar to the results section of a journal article reporting the descriptive statistics (i.e. N, means/medians/proportions, sds, frequencies, and observed ranges) of the variables then multiple regression analyses and interpretation. Unlike traditional research reports and journal articles where you would focus your interpretation on the independent variables of interest, you will be expected to interpret the regression coefficients for each independent variable. You are also asked to provide in a one to two paragraph concluding statement your recommendations on the importance of each policy for child achievement. In addition, in an appendix, the evaluation team would like to see the syntax of your R program.
Definition of variables
WICpreg – Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program participant during pregnancy: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.
AFDCpreg – Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program participant during pregnancy: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.
readss97 – Woodcock-Johnson Revised Reading Achievement Test Age Standardized Score. Minimum = 47.5, Maximum = 165.5.
age97 – The child’s age in 1997. Minimum = 3, Maximum = 13.
faminc97 – Total family income in 1997 (in 2002 constant dollars). Minimum = $-72296.26, Maximum = $784610.59.
bthwht – Low birth weight status of the child. 0 = non-low birth weight child, 1 = low birth weight child.
HOME97 – A composite total score of the emotional and cognitive stimulation at home. Minimum = 7, Maximum = 27.

What strategy, or approach, would improve your collaborative practice in future projects?

he purpose of this assignment is to reflect on your collaborative practice within the CLC Health Organization Evaluation assignment.
In 250-500 words, answer the following:
Describe the communication tools and techniques used by your team. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the group when collaborating to complete this project?
What strategy, or approach, would improve your collaborative practice in future projects?
When working in a health care setting, how would interprofessional collaboration work to support quality and the improvement of patient outcomes?

Through your ethnographic research you should have first-hand experience of this rather than more secondary research. Who you are interviewing?

Story of a Recipe
For this first formal assignment in your semester-long research study, you will write a narrative essay about a recipe central to your food subculture. In addition to discussing the recipe’s origins and importance to your food subculture, you will also (for your final draft) discuss the recipe as an artifact and include historical, cultural, and/or scientific research about the main ingredient(s) of the recipe.

This assignment will go through a three-part drafting process, with the final draft due at the end of the semester as part of your Research Portfolio.

This is a narrative essay, which means that your primary goal is to tell a story to the reader to help them understand what your recipe means to you and why it is important to your subculture.

Choosing a Recipe
If you’re having trouble choosing a recipe, think about a special tradition in your subculture that involves a meal. What dish is always present at that meal, and who brings it? Or, think about a particular memory you have of being in the kitchen with a loved one or eating a particular food. What is that memory? You can also write about recipes that you think are unusual or unique to your subculture.
While each drafting step will have separate requirements, by the time you submit your final draft your Story of a Recipe should:
tell a story to the reader to help them understand what your recipe means to your subculture.
incorporate information and quotations from two secondary sources to address the history of the recipe or main ingredients and illuminate this recipe’s significance in your subculture.
include the text of your recipe.
include direct quotations from at least one interview with a member of your subculture.
include a photograph or sketch of the food.
thoughtfully use metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech.
utilize MLA formatting (12pts, Time New Roman font; double-spaced, with title & header).
Arianna, nice work. I appreciate the effort you put into this. Right now, this reads, as you put it, as an analytical essay/research paper, whereas this needs to be more of a story/narrative. I recommend using more discussion from your interviews, and also discussing your fieldnotes regarding making the dish, or how it is part of your personal life as a member of the culture. Check out my comments and use my feedback to craft your middle draft.
Rachel Portel
comments of my draft:
Because this is a narrative (story) you don’t need headers like this
Define meztizo in Ecuadorian subculture
How so? I like the verb preserves but how does it preserve the heritage
don’t put any citations capitalized
Through your ethnographic research you should have first-hand experience of this rather than more secondary research. Who you are interviewing? What is your personal experience with this dish in the frame of the subculture ( in the what fritada recipe means to my subculture)
in the quotation from an interview with a member of a culture, she wants me to use quotes from the interviews that should be woven into my story.
in the conclusion part, the conclusion should reflect a theme rather than a research summary.