Precision Measurement Techniques in Additive Manufacturing.

Research the application of precision measurement tools in the quality control of 3D printed components. Study the impact of measurement accuracy on the performance and reliability of printed parts.

Introduction/Thesis: The introduction should grab the reader’s interest and clearly state the topic. The thesis must be clear, arguable, well-developed, and a definitive statement.

Quality of Information/Evidence: The paper should be well-researched, detailed, and historically accurate. Information must clearly relate to the thesis and come from a variety of sources.

Support of Thesis/Analysis: The paper should make critical, relevant, and consistent connections between the evidence and the thesis. The analysis must be thorough and insightful.

Organization/Development of Thesis: The paper should have a clear, logical, and mature development of the thesis with excellent transitions between and within paragraphs.

Conclusion: The conclusion should effectively summarize the topic with concluding ideas that impact the reader, without introducing new information.

Style/Voice: The style and voice should be appropriate to the given audience and purpose, showing originality and creativity. Word choice should be specific, purposeful, dynamic, and varied.

Grammar/Usage/Mechanics: The paper should demonstrate control of grammar, usage, and mechanics, being almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

Describe the Employment Law and Labor Relations.

Select a topic of your choice based on the topics covered in this class.
Prepare a research paper on the selected labor and employment topic. Your research paper should:
Provide an overview of the topic selected.
Discuss the possible legal implications and how the employer may avoid legal issues.
Analyze the applicable laws governing the topic.
Discuss the rights of potential or current employees.
Below is a list of suggested research topics. You may select one of the topics or design a topic of your choosing.
Discrimination (Age, Race, Gender, Religion, Pregnancy)
Collective Bargaining
Hostile Work Environment
Sexual Harassment
Employee Privacy
Drug Testing
Background Checks
Terminating Employees
Affirmative Action
For this assignment you may elect to work individually or as part of a team no larger than four (4) persons. If you elect to work as a team, the names of all persons working together must be listed on the title page of the research paper. Also, if you work as a team, all team members must submit the final research paper completed by the team.
After you have conducted the necessary research, you will submit a Word document. The research paper must meet the following requirements:
APA formatting
Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font
1-inch margins
Page numbers in top right corner
Doubled spaced
Use headings throughout the assignment
Should be at least 4-5 pages in length.
Must include a minimum of four scholarly and credible sources.
In the next assignment, you will prepare a presentation of your research.
Assignment Resource(s)
U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Summary of the major laws of the Department of Labor.Links to an external site. Retrieved from

Calculate the daily market returns for the period, variance and standard deviation in the same way as they are calculated for stocks.

1- Select four stocks from the companies listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul).
2- Using Excel, calculate the average return for each stock through the following steps:
Extract historical prices (closing price) for the stock for a period of 7 months (from 1/1/2022 to 31/7/2022)
Calculate the daily return rate for the stock.
Calculate the average return for the period.
3- Calculate the return and risk of the portfolio consisting of the four selected stocks (calculate the variance and standard deviation and covariance between stocks or not) by determining the investment weight in each stock from your point of view and stating the reason for that.
4- Extract the historical values of the Saudi Stock Exchange Index (TASI) for the same period.
5- Calculate the daily market returns for the period, variance and standard deviation in the same way as they are calculated for stocks.
6- Find and interpret the value of the beta coefficient for all stocks using the law. chose 4 of the most popular companies

What is your vision for your own future in 10 words or less?

What is your vision for your own future in 10 words or less? (10 words
o (Take 10 minutes to reflect on your past. Take another 10 minutes to reflect on
your future.)
• Chapters 8 and 9:
o Question: Think about a boss, manager, coach, teacher, etc., who demonstrated
exemplary trust in leading you and who strengthened you, provided choices for
you, fostered accountability for you, developed confidence in you, and offered
you support. Conduct an analysis of that relationship and explain what you
learned from his/her example.
• Chapters 10 and 11
o Question: Share a story about a leader who has had made a positive impact on
your life. How has the example set by that person influenced your life?

Discuss how this theory can be used to support your commitment to your goals. Your answer should be at least 3-5 detailed sentences.

In this project, you will create a Padlet presentation to identify and apply motivation concepts that will be helpful to your academic journey. Motivation is essential for academic and professional success because it is the drive that gets us to begin and complete tasks.

This project examines the connection between motivation and academic success and assesses your application of the motivation concepts.

Instructions 1. Watch the video tutorial below that covers how to create a Padlet presentation and complete this project.

3. Summarize each of the four motivation theories in your own words. Your answers should be at least 3-5 detailed sentences for each theory and include specific details that support the week 2 textbook.

4. Identify which theory you think would be most helpful in maintaining your motivation.

Discuss how this theory can be used to support your commitment to your goals. Your answer should be at least 3-5 detailed sentences.

5. Identify 2 motivation techniques from the week 2 Motivation textbook (pages 16-17).

Provide an example of how each technique can be used to increase your motivation during your academic journey. Your answers should be at least 2-3 detailed sentences for each technique.

6. Save your Padlet presentation as an image or a PDF. Click the ‘Share’ arrow (upper right corner).

Then scroll down to click ‘Save as image’ or ‘Export as PDF.’ The image may open in a browser window, then right-click on the presentation and click ‘save image as.’ This will save the Padlet image file on your computer. Please avoid taking a screenshot as they affect the visibility of your Padlet.

Discuss The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez.

This Assignment is used to assess competency 1 as established by the Council
on Social Work Education and has the objective of critically analyzing how injustice,
inequality, racism, discrimination, and violence affect individuals and families from a Bio-
Psycho-Social/Systems perspective within the professional intervention of social work.

Organizing Information – A good practice to encourage active listening is to organize the content of what is being said. This can be done mentally, but the effectiveness is usually increased by the physical action of note taking.

Complete the self-assessments outlined below which can be found in this Module: Week’s Learn material. Pick one of them and post your thread according to the detailed instructions and rubric provided.

Jerry Falwell Library

Self-Assessment: Active Listening Skills Inventory (this is the one i selected and my results was (Organizing information)

***Organizing Information – A good practice to encourage active listening is to organize the content of what is being said. This can be done mentally, but the effectiveness is usually increased by the physical action of note taking.

**Organizing Information – Speakers are often disorganized in how they communicate, bouncing around from one topic to another and speaking in an illogical manner. One of your listening objectives is to organize the useful information into key points. Have you listened well enough to summarize what the other person said? Also, ask questions such as, “Tell me more about…?” or “What did you mean by…?” Not only will it help you organize and expand what you learn but also show your interest in what the person is saying. Taking notes is a time-honored strategy for organizing information.

How is the speech organized? Chronologically? Topically? Another way?

For this written assignment, you will watch a persuasive speech from The 10 Most Popular TEDx Talks, then consider the following questions. Be sure to reference the speech you watched and answer the questions thoroughly.
The video I choose is “The happy secret to better work” by Shawn Achor
Please see below:

Does the introduction include a persuasive thesis?
How is the speech organized? Chronologically? Topically? Another way?
How does the speech utilize vivid language? Provide an example.
How does the speaker try to persuade the audience?
Is the speech persuasive? Why or why not?

Review the Learning Resources and reflect on your personal and professional commitment to advocacy for patients, communities, and the profession.

• Review the Learning Resources and reflect on your personal and professional commitment to advocacy for patients, communities, and the profession.
• Think about how your role as a DNP-prepared nurse contributes to advocacy for positive social change and the social determinants of health.
Post an explanation of how you anticipate enacting personal and professional commitment for advocacy to positively impact your patients, communities, and the profession. Be specific. Then, explain how your role as a DNP-prepared nurse contributes to advocacy for positive social change.