In this paper you will (1) introduce your topic, (2) give a brief overview of utilitarianism, (3) describe an important decision in your life, (4) explain how a utilitarian would evaluate your decision, (5) explain why someone might disagree with the utilitarian evaluation of your decision, and (6) conclude with your own personal evaluation.
Write a Philosophical Paper on The natural way of Lao Tzu.
Provide a summary of the text and include key themes and arguments and philosophical ideas. Make the analysis insightful. Make it well structured with a clear introduction and body paragraphs and conclusion. Incorporate textual evidence from the text To support arguments and analysis.
Submit an Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus.
Submit an Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus.
Draft and post a personal plan for field experience that addresses Self-Assessment of Progress Within the Counseling Program.
Draft and post a personal plan for field experience that addresses the following:
Self-Assessment of Progress Within the Counseling Program
Surveying the Opportunities and Resources for Practicums and Internships
The Practicum Application Process
Suggested Competencies for Practicum Completion
Selecting a Supervisor
The Supervision Process
Prevention of Burnout
“If there is no God, nothing matters. if there is a God, nothing else matters.” H.G. Wells; discuss this statement; is he too extreme? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
“If there is no God, nothing matters. if there is a God, nothing else matters.” H.G. Wells; discuss this statement; is he too extreme? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Consider the application of this principle to a specific practical challenge—either a real-world event/problem or an imagined but plausible scenario—and evaluate the strength of the principle on the basis of how well it deals with this challenge.
Assignment Question
This paper should be concise in length (about two pages, five paragraphs) but powerful in substance. Being concise, every word counts. The aim is sharp (i) explication of a proposed ethical principle and (ii) analysis of its application to a challenging practical scenario.
Your paper should thus do two main things:
First, it should clearly and accurately explicate a proposed ethical principle that has been discussed in the reading. This explication should illuminate the importance of that principle, indicating why it matters whether this principle is right or wrong.
Secondly, your paper should consider the application of this principle to a specific practical challenge—either a real-world event/problem or an imagined but plausible scenario—and evaluate the strength of the principle on the basis of how well it deals with this challenge.
Note: The case you work with should be relevant and bring out something of import about the principle and its potential strength or weakness.
Generate an original thesis statement and make the case for it as you strive to connect this novel to any of the major themes and arguments we have covered in our class.
Assignment Question
I have a draft attached that needs considerable work – and can be totally thrown out if the themes don’t make sense. The draft is a D. I’d like to get to a B or better. Thank you. EROS AND AGAPE PHILOSOPHY IN LITERATURE Paper 3: On Sigrid Undset’s Olav Audunssøn I: Vows.
Essay Question:
Keeping in mind that literature is an originary mode of knowing in its own right, write an argumentative essay on Sigrid Undset’s Vows. In your essay you will generate an original thesis statement and make the case for it as you strive to connect this novel to any of the major themes and arguments we have covered in our class. (EROS AND AGAPE) In your essay there should be an evident justification for the parts and characters of the book that you are choosing to comment upon, while still giving the reader the sense of having mastered the entire novel. Your essay should also interpret some of the symbols and situations that the novel uses to express the psyche and the love relations of the characters and situations you wish to comment upon. It would be important if in your essay you focus on the main couple of this novel, Olaf and Ingunn. As in other texts of Undset, one could read in Olaf an Adam-like character (perhaps also a Christ-like character) and in Ingunn an Eve-like character. There is a sense in which Olaf is a stand-in for committed marital love, perhaps Christian love, while Teit is a stand-in for a specific form of Eros. Particularly the closing passages of the novel, with symbolism-rich dreams, speak about the love dynamics in this novel — a perfect setting for the question that we have tried to answer this semester, namely, whether and how love (from Olaf to Ingunn, or from Ingunn to Olaf) has transformed. Finally, you may draw interconnections to other authors studied in this class, on condition that their reference is warranted and does not detract from your analysis of the contents of the novel.
Your paper should be at least 1400 words. You should use a 12-point font such as Times New Roman. Use standard margins. ___ Your paper should list the name of your professor, the course name, the date, and the word-count. Do not make a separate title page. ___ Write down your name and box number only on the back of the last page. Failure to do so may be met with grade reduction. ___ Your pages must be numbered. ___ Your paper should have a thoughtful title and subtitle already indicating the theme of your paper. ___ References to the text (and there of course should be references to and quotations from the text) should be based on the editions/translations used in class and indicate page numbers parenthetically. ___ References to secondary sources should be duly noted using either the APA or the MLA style consistently. ___ Should you wish to use other scholarly sources (e.g., from the internet) you will include a Works Cited page and a printout of these resources as an attachment. ___ Your paper will be proofread for grammar, spelling, clarity, consistency, and “spellchecker casualties.” Please avoid contractions and casual language. Especially avoid confusing “its” (third person possessive pronoun) with “it’s” (contraction for “it is”). Do not begin sentences without a subject, as in “It is,” “These are” or “This is.”
Write a paper covering the sub topics: The Role of Ethics in Building Public Trust; The Significance of Integrity in Fostering Trust; Professionalism and Values as Foundation of Public Trust.
Assignment Question
Write a paper covering the sub topics below.
Sub-Topic 1: The Role of Ethics in Building Public Trust Sub-Topic 2: The Significance of Integrity in Fostering Trust Sub-Topic 3: Professionalism and Values as Foundation of Public Trust.
Write a paper discussing how to end cyberbullying.
Assignment Question
Write a paper discussing how to end cyberbullying.
Add 4 pages to what has already been done and make sure we stay on topic, you may change around first few pages if necessary.
Write an essay on human rights, childhood and youth studies, sociology, etc. Stick to the research question .
Assignment Question
Write an essay on human rights, childhood and youth studies, sociology, etc. Stick to the research question .
The instructions are as follows: This is a research proposal, you are just creating a plan for a research project. You will utilize the knowledge you have gained to propose a research project on a topic of your choice.
You should already have a research question and an annotated bibliography to draw on to complete this assignment. In the discussions, you have received feedback on your research question, annotated bibliography, social position, research design, and ethics sections.