Discuss what statistics/information from your statistical test above would be necessary to reject the null hypothesis.

my topic for the study paper is the emotional , phisical , social and fanancial effect that covid has on
collage studnets
Paper requirements:
3-5 pages double spaced
No greater than 12-point font
Labeled sections
Sections required:
Introduce your topic
Explain need for the study, I.E. the outcome you hope the study produces
Briefly state your hypothesis
Literature review
Find one peer-reviewed piece of literature that relates to your topic, summarize the article briefly and explain how it relates to your study.
Explain how you are going to carry-out your study
Will you be collecting the data by surveying individuals at the local grocery store?
Will you need to design a study with multiple groups of individuals I a treatment and control type setting?
Will you be collecting data from online? Such as housing price sales data and house characteristic data (# of rooms, sqft).
How do you plan to analyze the data or information that you have gathered?
Will you create multiple charts to look at distributions?
Will you be analyzing means by running t-tests on different population groups?
Will you be running ANOVA analysis?
Wil you run a regression?
What results do you expect the study to produce?
Provide in statistical notation your hypothesis or provide am equation detailing your study
Describe in non-statistical terms what the test you would like to run are doing.
Discuss what statistics/information from your statistical test above would be necessary to reject the null hypothesis
Discuss what statistics/information from your statistical test above would be necessary to not reject the null hypothesis

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