Female Crime Victim

This paper will consist of three sections, and you will label each section. Section I will describe a
female crime victim; Section II will be devoted to the application of two different theories of
victimization (See Ch. 2); Section III will be devoted to applying terms and concepts discussed
below. Use a heading for each section.
Section I: The Offended/Victim: (worth 40 points)
You will choose a female who has been victimized by a crime, either in the US or elsewhere,
during any period of time, and describe her. What is her name? Describe the crime in which she
was victimized. What happened? This section should include two paragraphs. One paragraph
will include the biographical information about her, and the other will include information
about the crime. Also, include a photo of her.
This section is worth a total of 40 points. The material you present is worth 35 points, and the
photo is worth 5 points. You do not need to cite the photo, but you do need to cite all other
material you present in this section. You can find information about crime victims from many
valid sources- do not use Wikipedia for the information, but you can use it as a starting point to
find other valid sources in the references in Wikipedia. You might Google something like
famous female crime victims, or something like that, and go from there. Be sure your sources
are academic and peer reviewed. Ask me if you have questions about this.
Section II: Theories of Victimization: (worth 30 points).
Theory I: Apply Mendelsohns Categories of Victims to your victim. In your application, state the
category she would belong to, and explain why.
Theory II: Based on the experiences of the offended female and the nature of the crime, discuss
how another theory of victimization might be applied to your females crime. You should
choose among the theories below:

Routine Activities Theory

Lifestyle Theory

Just World Hypothesis
You need to clearly state the name of the theory you are using. Describe the theory, and how it
applies to the crime and the victims circumstances. Properly cite all information you present in
ASA format. Ch. 2 will be helpful here.
Section III: Concepts and Terms: (worth 30 points).
In this section, you should apply three terms to the crime you are discussing in this paper.
Define each term or concept (cite the definition- worth 5 points) and explain how each term or paper will consist of three sections, and you will label each section. Section I will describe a
female crime victim; Section II will be devoted to the application of two different theories of
victimization (See Ch. 2); Section III will be devoted to applying terms and concepts discussed
below. Use a heading for each section.
Section I: The Offended/Victim: (worth 40 points)
You will choose a female who has been victimized by a crime, either in the US or elsewhere,
during any period of time, and describe her. What is her name? Describe the crime in which she
was victimized. What happened? This section should include two paragraphs. One paragraph
will include the biographical information about her, and the other will include information
about the crime. Also, include a photo of her.
This section is worth a total of 40 points. The material you present is worth 35 points, and the
photo is worth 5 points. You do not need to cite the photo, but you do need to cite all other
material you present in this section. You can find information about crime victims from many
valid sources- do not use Wikipedia for the information, but you can use it as a starting point to
find other valid sources in the references in Wikipedia. You might Google something like
famous female crime victims, or something like that, and go from there. Be sure your sources
are academic and peer reviewed. Ask me if you have questions about this.
Section II: Theories of Victimization: (worth 30 points).
Theory I: Apply Mendelsohns Categories of Victims to your victim. In your application, state the
category she would belong to, and explain why.
Theory II: Based on the experiences of the offended female and the nature of the crime, discuss
how another theory of victimization might be applied to your females crime. You should
choose among the theories below:

Routine Activities Theory

Lifestyle Theory

Just World Hypothesis
You need to clearly state the name of the theory you are using. Describe the theory, and how it
applies to the crime and the victims circumstances. Properly cite all information you present in
ASA format. Ch. 2 will be helpful here.
Section III: Concepts and Terms: (worth 30 points).
In this section, you should apply three terms to the crime you are discussing in this paper.
Define each term or concept (cite the definition- worth 5 points) and explain how each term or 2
This paper will consist of three sections, and you will label each section. Section I will describe a
female crime victim; Section II will be devoted to the application of two different theories of
victimization (See Ch. 2); Section III will be devoted to applying terms and concepts discussed
below. Use a heading for each section.
Section I: The Offended/Victim: (worth 40 points)
You will choose a female who has been victimized by a crime, either in the US or elsewhere,
during any period of time, and describe her. What is her name? Describe the crime in which she
was victimized. What happened? This section should include two paragraphs. One paragraph
will include the biographical information about her, and the other will include information
about the crime. Also, include a photo of her.
This section is worth a total of 40 points. The material you present is worth 35 points, and the
photo is worth 5 points. You do not need to cite the photo, but you do need to cite all other
material you present in this section. You can find information about crime victims from many
valid sources- do not use Wikipedia for the information, but you can use it as a starting point to
find other valid sources in the references in Wikipedia. You might Google something like
famous female crime victims, or something like that, and go from there. Be sure your sources
are academic and peer reviewed. Ask me if you have questions about this.
Section II: Theories of Victimization: (worth 30 points).
Theory I: Apply Mendelsohns Categories of Victims to your victim. In your application, state the
category she would belong to, and explain why.
Theory II: Based on the experiences of the offended female and the nature of the crime, discuss
how another theory of victimization might be applied to your females crime. You should
choose among the theories below:

Routine Activities Theory

Lifestyle Theory

Just World Hypothesis
You need to clearly state the name of the theory you are using. Describe the theory, and how it
applies to the crime and the victims circumstances. Properly cite all information you present in
ASA format. Ch. 2 will be helpful here.
Section III: Concepts and Terms: (worth 30 points).
In this section, you should apply three terms to the crime you are discussing in this paper.
Define each term or concept (cite the definition- worth 5 points) and explain how each term or
concept can be applied to the victimization discussed in this paper (worth 5 points). Be sure to
bold or underline the terms you use in the paper (if not, you lose 2 points for each term that is
not bolded or underlined).
The terms are:

Victim blaming

Just world hypotheses

Secondary victimization

Rape myth acceptance

Fear of victimization


Emotional abuse

Intimate partner violence

Cycle of violence

Cycle of victimization and offending

Or any other bolded or italicized terms in the course textbook (in any chapter).
Citations and reference page:
You must properly cite all material presented in this paper (in Section I, II, and III). There should
be a citation after each definition, and there should be at least one citation in each paragraph.
You must use at least 2 academic, peer-reviewed sources. One of them should be the textbook,
which will be helpful for Section II and Section III. You can look elsewhere for information for
the paper, but you must make sure you are using valid sources. Your source(s) for Section I can
be any academic, valid source. Check out the UNCP Library database or Google Scholar for this.
You must cite your information using
format. This means you will include in-text citations
and a separate reference page for these sources. There is an ASA format guide in Canvas to help
you with this. You will only use peer-reviewed, academic sources. Do not use websites unless
approved by the professor, and do not use Wikipedia.
In-text Citations: If you do not provide any in-text citations, you will lose
30 points
from your
total paper grade. You will lose
2 points
for each improperly formatted citation. If you do not
place a citation where one Is needed, you will lose
5 points.
Reference Page: If you do not include a reference page, you will lose
20 points
from the total
paper grade. You will lose
2 points
for each improperly formatted reference. If you do not have
a proper bibliographical reference for each in-text citation, you will lose
2 points
for each
missing reference. If you do not have an in-text citation for each reference, you will lose
for each missing in-text citation.
Please ask me any questions about referencing and citing long before the paper is due (not the
day its due!!). I am happy to help, but you need to check out the guides in Canvas first.
concept can be applied to the victimization discussed in this paper (worth 5 points). Be sure to
bold or underline the terms you use in the paper (if not, you lose 2 points for each term that is
not bolded or underlined).
The terms are:

Victim blaming

Just world hypotheses

Secondary victimization

Rape myth acceptance

Fear of victimization


Emotional abuse

Intimate partner violence

Cycle of violence

Cycle of victimization and offending

Or any other bolded or italicized terms in the course textbook (in any chapter).
Citations and reference page:
You must properly cite all material presented in this paper (in Section I, II, and III). There should
be a citation after each definition, and there should be at least one citation in each paragraph.
You must use at least 2 academic, peer-reviewed sources. One of them should be the textbook,
which will be helpful for Section II and Section III. You can look elsewhere for information for
the paper, but you must make sure you are using valid sources. Your source(s) for Section I can
be any academic, valid source. Check out the UNCP Library database or Google Scholar for this.
You must cite your information using
format. This means you will include in-text citations
and a separate reference page for these sources. There is an ASA format guide in Canvas to help
you with this. You will only use peer-reviewed, academic sources. Do not use websites unless
approved by the professor, and do not use Wikipedia.
In-text Citations: If you do not provide any in-text citations, you will lose
30 points
from your
total paper grade. You will lose
2 points
for each improperly formatted citation. If you do not
place a citation where one Is needed, you will lose
5 points.
Reference Page: If you do not include a reference page, you will lose
20 points
from the total
paper grade. You will lose
2 points
for each improperly formatted reference. If you do not have
a proper bibliographical reference for each in-text citation, you will lose
2 points
for each
missing reference. If you do not have an in-text citation for each reference, you will lose
for each missing in-text citation.
Please ask me any questions about referencing and citing long before the paper is due (not the
day its due!!). I am happy to help, but you need to check out the guides in Canvas first.
concept can be applied to the victimization discussed in this paper (worth 5 points). Be sure to
bold or underline the terms you use in the paper (if not, you lose 2 points for each term that is
not bolded or underlined).
The terms are:

Victim blaming

Just world hypotheses

Secondary victimization

Rape myth acceptance

Fear of victimization


Emotional abuse

Intimate partner violence

Cycle of violence

Cycle of victimization and offending

Or any other bolded or italicized terms in the course textbook (in any chapter).
Citations and reference page:
You must properly cite all material presented in this paper (in Section I, II, and III). There should
be a citation after each definition, and there should be at least one citation in each paragraph.
You must use at least 2 academic, peer-reviewed sources. One of them should be the textbook,
which will be helpful for Section II and Section III. You can look elsewhere for information for
the paper, but you must make sure you are using valid sources. Your source(s) for Section I can
be any academic, valid source. Check out the UNCP Library database or Google Scholar for this.
You must cite your information using
format. This means you will include in-text citations
and a separate reference page for these sources. There is an ASA format guide in Canvas to help
you with this. You will only use peer-reviewed, academic sources. Do not use websites unless
approved by the professor, and do not use Wikipedia.
In-text Citations: If you do not provide any in-text citations, you will lose
30 points
from your
total paper grade. You will lose
2 points
for each improperly formatted citation. If you do not
place a citation where one Is needed, you will lose
5 points.
Reference Page: If you do not include a reference page, you will lose
20 points
from the total
paper grade. You will lose
2 points
for each improperly formatted reference. If you do not have
a proper bibliographical reference for each in-text citation, you will lose
2 points
for each
missing reference. If you do not have an in-text citation for each reference, you will lose
for each missing in-text citation.
Please ask me any questions about referencing and citing long before the paper is due (not the
day its due!!). I am happy to help, but you need to check out the guides in Canvas first.

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