Identify a film that, through a plot line, a scene, a section of dialogue, effectively illustrates a key philosophical notion of your choice of topic.

Assignment Question

Identify a film that, through a plot line, a scene, a section of dialogue, effectively illustrates a key philosophical notion of your choice of topic.

For example, your film might illustrate existentialism, critical theory, Marxism, Phenomenology- virtually any philosophical school of thought, or philosophical idea discussed in the course.

Once you’ve identified your film you should Give a synopsis of the movie (no longer than two full paragraphs).

Indicate clearly the notion you’re exploring and how the film supports that idea/belief of your topic choice. Be sure the reader can see how the film supports some aspect of the chosen philosophy, even if he or she has not seen the movie.

The Details  The paper is to be 750 words at least. This is in addition to the Works Cited page.  You should support your discussion by engaging reliable scholarly sources.  Use a minimum of three reliable scholarly resources in addition to the film you’ve selected. . 8. A Few Examples To get you started, here are a few movies to consider: “Examined Life” “Bladerunner” (either one) “Being In The World” “Groundhog Day”

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