Policy Report on The Gender Pay Gap in Australia

3000 word report on Australia’s Gender Pay Gap
Map this contemporary social justice issue in Australia, the policy context and the organisations active in the area.

The assignment requires a Report Format and That you examine:

– a social justice issue in Australia, explaining the background to the issue and why it is of concern.
-an analysis of the policy context – how have government and others acted in response to the issue?
– an analysis of the organisations active around the issue – government, for profit, not for profit, advocacy, service etc.
– How might change be possible? You are welcome to use skills gained in the course, such as around evaluation, to frame your analysis.

Critical analysis. The aim of the report will be to inform readers clearly of a social justice issue in Australia and the policy and organisational context of this issue. The assignment is in report format and reflect a short policy report in structure.However, the assignment must use evidence to support claims made, and students are encouraged to incorporate critical content, particularly in the analysis of problems.

Assessment of this task will be based upon:

Your ability to succinctly identify the social justice issue, offer a policy context for the issue, describe organisational and institutional actors and suggest solutions / interventions;
Your demonstrated use of critical / theoretical perspectives from the course as well as other critical perspectives that you have gained in the course of your study within your degree programs;
Your use of evidence to substantiate your claims.

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