POLITICS IN QUEBEC: Constitutional Conflicts in Canada: Claiming Quebec to be recognized as a distinct society

In Quebec, the
repatriation of the 1982 Constitution reduced democratic space in the
federation and deprived it of its freedom of action (jurisdiction) and its
honors from the co-founding people of Canada. After Quebec’s failure in the
referendum it gave itself the courage to
to regain his
place he wanted to reactivate his duality with the federal government, he
continued to negotiate his
through other consultation frameworks such as the Charlottetown Accord
and the Meech
Lake Agreement (1987-1990), all negotiations were unsuccessful to disfavor.
of Quebec.
In this work I
will highlight the different intergovernmental negotiations
initiated by
Quebec and / or by the federal government that had the objective of redotating
to Quebec its
veto right to be
recognized as a distinct society in Canada. At the end of my research, I
criticize the
steps taken to this end and reveal why they failed.
These are the sources, I have provided to the Professor, they are available in English too, and these are the source sto be used:

1. La rforme constitutionnelle et la notion de socit distincte :
Dupl, Nicole. “La rforme constitutionnelle et la notion de socit distincte.” Revue
gnrale de droit 24.1 (1993) : 65-79.

2. Le dossier constitutionnel Qubec-Canada :
Tremblay, Jean-Marie. “Alain G. Gagnon, Le dossier constitutionnel Qubec-Canada.”

3. Libert et dvoilement dans les socits multinationales :
Tully, James. “Libert et dvoilement dans les socits multinationales.” Globe : revue
internationale dtudes qubcoises 2.2 (1999) : 13-36.

4. La paradiplomatie identitaire : Le Qubec, la Catalogne et la Flandre en relations
internationales :
Paquin, Stphane. “La paradiplomatie identitaire : le Qubec, la Catalogne et la Flandre
en relations internationales.” Politique et socits 23.2-3 (2004) : 203-237.

5. Nationalisme et fdralisme au Canada : le dbat sur la dualit :
Adele Marie Kabuo Kahota
Lecours, Andr. “Nationalisme et fdralisme au Canada : le dbat sur la
dualit.” Fdralisme Rgionalisme (2000).

6. La dynamique rfrendaire : pourquoi les Canadiens ont-ils rejet l’Accord de
Charlottetown ?
Johnston, Richard, et al. La dynamique rfrendaire : pourquoi les Canadiens ont-ils
rejet l’Accord de Charlottetown ? , Revue franaise de science politique, vol. vol. 46,
no. 5, 1996, pp. 817-830.

7. LA CRISE DU FDRALISME CANADIEN : Le Qubec au pied du mur :
Lapierre, Jean-William. “LA CRISE DU FDRALISME CANADIEN : Le Qubec au
pied du mur.” Esprit 62 (2 (1982): 231-238.

politiques 2003 (2002).

9. Pour une identit canadienne post-nationale, la souverainet partage et la pluralit
des cultures politiques :
Bourque, Gilles, and Jules Duchastel. “Pour une identit canadienne post-nationale, la
souverainet partage et la pluralit des cultures politiques.” Cahiers de recherche
sociologique 25 (1995): 17-58.

10. Fin du nationalisme qubcois ?
Bock-Ct, Mathieu. Fin du nationalisme qubcois ? , Commentaire, vol. numro
146, no. 2, 2014, pp. 279-286.

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