Provide a comprehensive analysis of the organisation and develop a strategy for technological innovation and transformation and describe main implementation stages of this strategy.

Assignment Question

1. 2nd Assignment Description Your goal is to continue your analysis of your chosen company and provide a comprehensive analysis of the organisation and develop a strategy for technological innovation and transformation and describe main implementation stages of this strategy.

The report should be divided into two sections and has 2 main tasks:

1. Analysis and assessment of key technologies and innovations to be implemented in the organization;

2. Road mapping and implementation strategy of chosen innovations in the company; As a specialist, you’re free to connect and link the knowledge that was shared throughout the classes and create your final report.

However, some recommended topics/structure of the assignment are:

Definition of key innovations/strategies/tools/technologies to implement. What are the differentiating technologies that can help the company to digitalize? Are there any success cases in the past?

Matching of the innovation with key areas from the company. Where will you apply those changes in the company? Why there?

Characteristics and justification.

Road mapping and implementation. How are you planning to implement the changes and what challenges you may face?

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. What are you going to measure in order to validate that is a sustainable strategy? Why?

KPI Definition.

Conclusion. These are the main points that will be evaluated in the written assignment. You may use any tool, material or analysis method to improve and further detail the content of your work.

Objectives The individual assignments should comprise the subjects and topics discussed during classes and connect all the information into a professional and final report on the topics proposed. These Assignments main objectives are to evaluate the students’ ability to act and manage the digitalization and innovative changes in a real life company.

For this, you will need to choose a real-life company that is not strong in digitalization to work with in both assignments. Word Count: 1500 words (not including abstract, appendices and references). Page Numbering: For the sections such as Acknowledgements, Contents and others which precede the Main Text, the page numbering format is i) ii) iii) … and so on.

Format: Both written assignments to be delivered in PDF; Referencing: The student must always cite the source of his/her material; inadequate citation could leave the student open to the suspicion of plagiarism. APA guidelines for referencing.