Prepare a summary of the article -250/300 words to include a brief description of the Authors aims, the methodology, the design of the study the results / findings and the authors conclusions about the research findings.

Assignment Question

The review has to be 1,500 words in length and to include at least 10 recent references. Furthermore it has to be made up of the following sections:

summary of the article -250/300 words to include a brief description of the Authors aims, the methodology, the design of the study the results / findings and the authors conclusions about the research findings.

There has to be a thorough evaluation of the article to include both positive aspects and limitations, discussion of quality criteria such as validity reliability trustworthiness audit trail.

Conclusions to consider as appropriate te relevance of the paper to patients and/or public, osteopathy and /or osteopaths, other manual therapists and wider health communities. Presentation style must be clearly in academic style, well structured, succinct, references in Harvard system. Time constraints are two weeks