Explain why different family members exposed to the same food had such different outcomes. Please watch the PBS Frontline video “The Trouble with ChickenLinks to an external site.”(or read the transcriptLinks to an external site.) Then, please write a 2-paragraph reflection on the food safety points addressed in this video that were also covered in this module. For example, in the Craten family, the parents (Amanda and James) did not fall ill, but Noah and the grandmother did — explain why different family members exposed to the same food had such different outcomes. Or for another example, despite evidence linking Foster Farms to the Salmonella Heidelberg outbreak, why was Foster Farms permitted to keep selling its chicken in stores all over the Western US for years after the initial outbreak? These are just examples of things you could write about. Ideally you would write about topics that stood out for you. Your two paragraphs should total at least 250 words but not more than 1000 words. resource: 1. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/trouble-with-chicken/? 2. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/trouble-with-chicken/transcript/