This a texas goverment class. Please make sure the article you have put have a link the teacher can click and read. Also put a event that has happen this week so a article that was posted between June 7,2021-June 12,2021. I have pasted two links one is a example of how the paper should look like and the other is how to write a analysis paper. If link don’t work let me know asap.
TEXAS CURRENT EVENT ANALYSIS PAPER and the two CE Assessments make up 10% of your grade.
Choose from the list when looking for a news article for the week you submit your current event paper. These have specific due dates.
The article must be from within the week you submit the paper.
You must use a Texas publication.
The CE grade is a combination of your two CE assessments and the paper.
Current Event Texas Analysis Paper and two assessments: The article you choose must be from within the same week that you submit the CE paper. Follow the format as it is in the EXAMPLE CE PAPER in Canvas.
There are two CE assessments you must complete as indicated in the schedule. Be sure you have completed these before you do the CE paper. All three grades will combine for your total CE grade.
You must use a Texas publication only- newspaper – government website – Texas news website – Texas data site. The link must be active and included on the title page as indicated.
NO blogs – No newsletters – No NYT
Review the example I have so you can see how your headers must be written.
You must do the CE paper on your own.
Failure to submit a CE paper results in a 0.
You are required to attach in a Word doc a 2-page – double space – 12pt – New Times Roman.
You must include the working link of the article you selected from a news magazine, Internet news service, or national newspaper on the title page.
The CE analysis must demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a Texas current event as it relates to one of the following topics provided.
Be sure you have selected your Texas current event article from the same week you submit your paper.
Choose an news article about one of the following areas to write about :
Texas Constitution
state and local political party systems
checks and balances
separation of powers
a civil rights issue
illegal immigration and the impact on the state
border patrol related issues
new legislation passed from the 2021 session
the executive office – governor office or state bureaucracy
legislative – state courts
The CE paper can have more than one government connection as the example paper shows or you can just focus on one element of government.
All CE assignments open on the first day of class and close as indicated.
No late submissions are possible.
Do not miss the deadlines.
Your issue(s) will be different than the one in the example.
The CE example provided is to show you the format headers you are to use and to let you read an analysis paper. The example is a national issue. Yours must be a Texas issue since this is a Texas government course.
You may not resubmit any current event paper you submitted from a previous class.
Original work only is accepted
YOU MUST use Word and you must use the same format in the example posted in the resource section of Canvas.
The Title page must include Student name, date, Texas publication, publication link, author(s), headline, course, and section, professor name.
The link to the article is on the title page and is active. A broken link results in no credit because I cannot verify you wrote about a news story if I cannot locate and read the article you used.
The title page does not count as your two-page requirement of analysis.
The two-page analysis must include your opinion along with validation of the topic.
You must use the headers as you see in the example. However, your issue(s) will be different than the one in the example.
The article must be from within the week you submit the paper.
CE Rubric: The categories for grading are:
Length – 5 pts off
The topic was not on the list
Not Relevant – 10 pts. off
Grammar and Spelling 5 pts. off
No Title Page 5 pts. off
The format is not correct – 10 pts. off
No link to article or no article provided. NO POINTS AWARDED since I cannot verify this is an actual current event.
PDF article is not attached 5 pts. off – so long as the link works I will not take off points. – if the link does not work and you have not provided a PDF of the article you receive no points for the paper at all.
NO CREDIT if the paper is a summary and not an Analysis – as this means you did not do the assignment in accordance with the rubric.
NO POINTS if it is not a Current Event. Do not submit a history paper or a paper you wrote for another class and try to rewrite it as a current event.
NO POINTS – Software not compatible so the file will not open – Only Word is accepted into Canvas which you have in your Galveston College Outlook account. Canvas does not recognize GDocs, Apple Pages or Notes or any other software.
Writing Quality – 10 points off
The Texas current event analysis paper is only two pages in 12 pt. font- Times Roman.
It is your analysis of a Texas current event. Choose an article from the area from the list provided.
The article you select must be a news story – NOT an analysis or opinion from a newspaper. Newspaper or website.
DO NOT USE THE NYT – no blogs and no newsletters.
The CE paper is you writing an analysis of a news event in your own words – NOT you writing what someone else’s analysis is about.
It is NOT a summary.
Completing the two CE assessments will help you understand the difference between writing an analysis, summary and or opinion paper about a current event (news) and writing what someone else’s analysis was all about. These combine with your papers to give you your overall CE grade.
The CE paper is NOT a summary — it is an analysis written IN YOUR OWN WORD 🙂
No quotes from other people. Only your thoughts and position.
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