Please answer TWO questions from chapters 1-6. Write an answer of approximately 200-250 words in each case. Write out the question before you write your answer and be sure in your answer to show that you understand the concepts of the question. If you make reference to a source, please be sure to name the source.
Chapter 1
1. What are some of the main reasons
Francis Bacon’s inductivism could not be a complete account of scientific
Chapter 2
2. What is the Paradox of the Ravens?
Does it provide an insurmountable challenge to the concept of confirmation of
Chapter 3
3. How did the experiments carried out
by Perier at the Puy-de-Dome improve on the confirmation of Torricellis
sea-of-air hypothesis?
Chapter 4
4. What aspect of Euclid’s geometry
meant that it full short of complete rigor for a scientific theory? How did
later approaches to theories improve on Euclid’s?
Chapter 5
5. Can Hempels Covering Law Model of
explanation be successfully defended against one or more of the objections to
Chapter 6
6. How did Hans Driesch employ his
experimental results to argue for the autonomy of biology?
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