What are the pros and cons associated with the issue?

Explores various pros and cons related to either the legal or industry issues.

What are the pros and cons associated with the issue? Are they based on evidence or fear related? Do the legal or industry issues help or hinder access?

Cites references from course learning to validate these approaches.

IV. Heading:


How does this affect the population? Health, social equity, economically, Reviews the body of evidence related to the specific issues and identifies ways to improve them.

Includes a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed research-based journal articles published within the last 5 years. Approximately 1 paragraph per article.

V. Heading:

Plan/ Implementation

From one’s own professional perspective, define a plan to address the areas that need to be changed or process of working in the industry:

· Medical recommendation process in your state or a nearby medical cannabis state.

· Implementation process: supporting patient safe access and use of an evidence- based self-titration process.

· Educational and coaching needs: what resources would you refer clients to? How would you approach coaching or obtaining support?

· Use of holistic modalities to support ECS health.

· Safety and legal issues.

· Considers one’s professional standards and ethical concerns.

VI. Heading:


Reviews how effectiveness of plan will be evaluated in consideration of population needs.

Considers potential barriers and challenges to implementing plan.

VII. Heading:


Summarizes process. No new information nor citations, why you are sharing the

information, recap of intro and what the reader should do.

VIII. Reference Page:


In APA format, minimum 5 references peer- reviewed journals published in the last five years.

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