Step 1: Leave Comments
You are expected to leave constructive comments for your peer in two places. First, you should leave comments on the document itself. You should use the highlight, text, and comments tools to mark up your peers document with feedback as if you were writing on their paper copy with a pen. Do not focus on little details like writing errors, typos, or APA style. Instead, your comments should focus on the content, making sure to address the following:
Is their introduction paragraph clear? Does it grab your attention?
Is the thesis statement clear, concise, and argumentative? Is it in the correct location as the last sentence of the introduction?
Does the outline seem clearly organized and do all of the body paragraphs relate back to the topic?
Do they have enough evidence to support their argument? Did they use appropriates sources to back up their supporting details?
Does their explanation of evidence make sense and relate back to their thesis?
Guidelines for giving constructive feedback:
Give positive feedback about things done well or liked very much, and explain why.
Give critical feedback with the goal of helping your peer improve the quality of their research and writing.
Use the rubric to guide the important points of your feedback.
Ask questions when you are unsure of your peers thoughts or intent.
Step 2: Leave Summary Comments
Once you’ve completed your mark up of your peers work. Your summary comments must answer the following four questions:
What was the strongest part of their submission?
What aspects of the introduction do they need to work on?
What aspects of their outline do they need to work on?
What did you learn by reading their submission?
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