Why do you think average farmers such as Nathaniel Cole halted their livelihood and traveled a great distance to witness George Whitefield speak?

Read “Nathaniel Cole Document” (posted on Moodle site)
Answer the questions at the below (30 pts).
In order to receive credit for this assignment, your total word count response should be at least 100 words in length. Please remember to cite all sources in MLA format.
1) How does Nathaniel Cole describe how he and his wife rode to Middletown to hear Whitefields sermon? (Use a direct quote from the passage to help answer this question)
2) Why do you think average farmers such as Nathaniel Cole halted their livelihood and traveled a great distance to witness George Whitefield speak?
3) What message does Coles statement, I saw that my righteousness would not save me; then I was convinced of the doctrine of Election and went right to quarrelling with God about it, because all that I could do would not save me reveal about the power of Whitefields teachings?
4) After reading this passage, what conclusion can you draw about the impact of religious practices and beliefs of the Great Awakening on American society?
5) Do you feel that religion is still an important aspect in American society? Why or why not?
Last modified: Monday, May 3, 2021, 12:38 PM

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