Write a research paper about the benefits of significant flexibility in the emergence of joint ventures during uncertain times.Hi, I am a business student; but for my “business law for corporate decision makers” I have to write an essay and present the topic I have chosen. I have chosen to write about the rise of joint ventures (compared to M&A) in times of uncertainties. 2 good sources that mention this are: • Dintelman M., Aschenbroich A. (2023). Success in Joint Ventures • Pajot, C., & Gravière, R. J. D. L. (2010). A study of joint ventures: The challenging world of alliances. However, in my presentation I should also keep the “Law aspect”. So I will write about the flexible nature of JV, which can be an advantage in times of uncertainty. I have already written an introduction of this topic. In the file “model for the oral exam” you find the task and what I’ve already written. So I should write an introduction, my key findings and a conclusion/critical analysis. I want you write the key findings, and the critical analysis in this task. You should base yourself on this source: •Marchand, S., Chappuis, C., Hirsch, L., Chenaux, J. L., Philippin, E., & Gilliéron, P. (2013). Recueil de contrats commerciaux: modèles en français et en anglais commentés selon le droit suisse. Helbing Lichtenhahn. Starting on page 1097 – contractual agreements. There is a “commentaire” written in French on a JV contract. If you cannot access this book, I have included a file “text written in English and French”; I don’t know if the book is accessible online. I found it in the library. You can use other sources if you find good ones. But please, it should be good sources and try to base yourself on Swiss Law if necessary.
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