Write a research paper outlining the definition of technology and computer literacy.Project Overview The course final project is designed for you to apply the software application skills you acquired during the term. For this project, you will use all four of the Microsoft Office applications to create a unified project on a single topic. The instructions below are not step-by-step instructions – as part of the previous assignments you’ve already learned how to carry out various functions in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Instead, the information below details the requirements for the final project. If you need assistance with “how to do something in one of the Office applications” return to your SIMnet MS Office textbook. You can access this via the “Library” link in the top right-hand corner of SIMnet. Software Requirements You must use the following software applications to create the final project: • Microsoft Word 2021/365 • Microsoft Excel 2021/365 • Microsoft Access 2021/365 (MS Word 2021/365 Worksheet) or later • Microsoft PowerPoint 2021/365 No other versions of Office may be used. If you’re missing any of the above applications, keep in mind that the computers in the Open Computer Lab (DTEC 462) have all these applications available for your use. Project Topic After reading through the Careers in the Business Disciplines websites, you will select a career. This will be the focus of your final project. You will use ALL the Office applications to create content related to your chosen topic. Project Research Links Select a career in the business disciplines to use as the topic for your final project. Research Careers in the Business Disciplines to make your selection. Use the following sites: Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Careers and Business Any other site of interest Project Minimum Requirements The minimum requirements for each of the four applications are detailed in the checklists below. Each application component is valued at 65pts. There are 40 points (10 pts each application) allocated for professionalism, effort, and creativity. Professionalism is assessed in evaluation of proper use of the required skills (e.g. competent in tables), grammar, spelling, and overall appearance. Effort is assessed in whether the presentation exceeded the minimum requirements Students who meet only the minimum requirements for each software application may not receive the 40 points for professionalism, effort, and creativity. Creativity is demonstrated by applying the software skills acquired during the term. Creativity is measured in various ways, including: o applying additional skills covered in the course but not listed as a minimum requirement, o adding additional graphics or pictures, o applying varying color schemes, o creative formatting of the Excel chart, o using various design backgrounds with presentation slides, o creating your own slide background instead of using a design template, o adding a border to the Microsoft Word document component, o graphically editing pictures and other graphics, o adding external sounds or movie clip in the PowerPoint component, etc. This project must be an original creation, not a copy and paste from this semester’s assignments. All rules concerning Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism will be strictly enforced. The project must be based on your original work. Microsoft Access – (65 points) You can complete this MS Word document or use MS Access to create your database. Note, Mac users must use the Word document. ___1. Create a database and name the file using your last name_final project ___2. Create a table ___3. Create a minimum of 5 fields in table ___4. Create a minimum of 6 records in table ___5. Assign a primary key (note the primary key must be unique for all possible data) ___6. Create a form based on table ___7. Create a query containing 3 fields – your choice of fields ___8. Create another query containing 4 fields – sort the query on your choice of field ___9. Create a query with at least 3 fields and restrict the query results with your choice of criteria ___10. Create a report based on table or one of queries Microsoft Excel – (65 points) ___1. Create an Excel workbook and name the file using your last name_final project ___2. Create a worksheet with a minimum of 5 columns and 7 rows ___3. Create a minimum of 5 column titles, Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, use a font color other than black ___4. Create a minimum of 7 row titles, Times New Roma 12pt, do not bold ___5. Create formulas in no less than 4 cells, these are separate from the functions in #6 and must be 4 different formulas ___6. Use the MIN, MAX, and AVERAGE functions ___7. Create a title for the worksheet merging and centering the text using a minimum of 5 cells ___8. Format title with font of your choice, 14 pt, bold, italics, using a font color other than black ___9. Rename the Sheet Tab using your last name ___10. Apply color to Sheet Tab ___12. Create a chart on separate sheet using the data on the main sheet; name the sheet tab Chart ___13. Add Sparklines to one or more pieces of data ___14. Change the Number Formatting from General to a Number Format of your choosing to one or more rows/columns of data Microsoft PowerPoint – (65 points) ___1. Create a presentation and name the file using your last name_final project ___2. Use a minimum of 10 slides ___3. Select a design theme or create your own theme ___4. First slide must be title slide layout with your name, course and section number ___5. Add a picture of your face on the title slide and apply a style to the picture ___6. Use the Notes Pane to add a slide note to at minimum 1 slide ___7. Add a slide title to each slide ___8. Add a footer to the presentation with the date of development or slide number ___9. Add Online Pictures or other graphics to a minimum of 4 slides ___10. Add WordArt to at least one slide ___11. Apply slide transition to all slides in the presentation ___12. Use a SmartArt Diagram ___13. Create the background for one slide from a gradient ___14. Add entrance effects to at least 1 text and 1 piece of Clip Art ___15. Create a table with a minimum of 2 columns and 3 rows ___16. Create a simple column chart ___17. Add a title to the chart ___18. Use high contrast font color based on the color of the slide background ___19. Last slide must indicate that the presentation is ending Microsoft Word – (65 points) ___1. Create a document and name the file using your last name_final project ___2. Apply a document theme that is different from the default “Office” theme ___3. Set margins to 1.25-inch top and bottom and 1.50 inch left and right ___4. Set line spacing to double ___5. Set paragraph spacing to before: 6, after: 6 ___6. Create a header with your full name aligned left and the course number & section number aligned right ___7. Create a footer with the page number centered to the page ___8. Create a bulleted list, or numbered list, with a minimum of 2 items in list ___9. Add a picture of your face ___10. Create a title for your document: font of your choice, 14pt or larger, bold, italics, color (change from default of black), set to Small Caps, and centered to the page ___11. Create a subtitle for your document: format it using the Subtitle Style ___12. Document must be no less than 150 words ___13. Insert a comment within the document ___14. Using the Advanced Document Properties, add a Title, Subject, and update the Author to Your Name
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