Write a short essay that applies and extends Bull’s argument to the smart phone, drawing your own conclusions about the impact of the smart phone on public space and ultimately why attitudes towards and experiences of public space matters.

Question 1: In week 10 we explored the relationship between popular culture and public space, particularly the way that popular culture both shapes and is shaped by urban public space. For this question, we are asking you to explore the way that popular culture, specifically the smart phone, is shaping experiences of and attitudes toward public space. Consider a typical day in your life as a smart phone user—for example, where do you typically use your phone, what are you typically doing while using your phone, and what are you typically using your phone for? Now consider your typical use of the smart phone in the context of Michael Bull’s (2013) argument about the personal stereo’s impact on our experience of and attitude toward public space—in what ways does your experience align with and/or depart from Bull’s argument? Write a short essay that applies and extends Bull’s argument to the smart phone, drawing your own conclusions about the impact of the smart phone on public space and ultimately why attitudes towards and experiences of public space matters.

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