Write an analysis of “Because I Could Not Stop For Death,” by Emily Dickinson. Your analysis should interpret and read the literary text(s) through the lens of Psychological Criticism.
A literary analysis is a rhetorical construct or strategy that typically employs the following organizational pattern: first, an introduction presents the author(s) and text(s) to be examined, along with a certain amount of summary/synopsis of the work(s), and, of course, the papers thesis; next, a section of the paper is devoted to a brief discussion of the critical approach being used to direct the analysis, as well as relevant background material (biography, history, etc.); and then the paper provides a clear, close reading of the text(s), supported with specific examples and appropriate secondary sources.
As we progress through the unit, we will discuss in class more specific potential topics for the texts included in Unit 3. Remember, your essay should conform to MLA guidelines for format and documentation.
I encourage you to talk to me about your ideas and your paper. You may email your questions to me or come see me during office hours. Good luck, and please note the due date on the course outline for this assignment.
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