***Instructor’s direction****
Instructions for Section 1: Book Review
Team members will first select books on their topic. On the class Blackboard site (Topics in OD
link), click on the topic chosen by your team to see books associated with that topic. Each team
member will select one of the books shown (a student may choose a book title not on the
suggested list with the approval of the instructor). The student will write a brief (10-12 pages)
summary of his/her book. This book review does not require outside references or additional
citations; rather, it is simply a synopsis of the major themes of the book. It does not require your
reaction to or interpretation of the content of the book. Simply relate, briefly and succinctly, what
the author is attempting to tell the reader.
You may organize the review as you see fit. For example, your review may reflect the actual
chapters of the book, or the review may be organized by themes that emerge as you read the text.
If appropriate, you may reproduce figures or tables from the book and use them in your review.
You may also quote the author directly (citing page numbers from the book). However, please
limit your use of direct quotes I want to read your own words.
Writing Standards
When submitting a written assignment, please observe these guidelines:
o 12-point font
o Arial or Times New Roman
o Standard margins: 1 all around
o Page numbers (top-right or bottom-center)
o Double-spaced tex
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