Compare and contrast the Americas (Olmecs, Maya and Aztecs (Mexica)) to the ancient Greeks (not the Minoans, Mycenaeans or Hellenistic eras.).

You need an introduction with a thesis statement. For
example, The Italian Renaissance had many comparisons
to ancient Greece because.
You need a body in which you write a lot of paragraphs
supporting your thesis statement. These would come
after the because. Then you need to reword your
introduction and thesis statement for a conclusion. The
reason I say no to MLA or APA format is because I do not
want you using parenthesis at the end of sentences, and I
definitely do not want you to quote. Do not use outside
sources. Just use my lecture and the book for your final
essay exam questions that you are preparing. You will
need to use Times New Roman Font of 12. It
needs to be a full 2 pages long with Times New Roman
Font of 12 and lacks spacing between paragraphs. You do
not need to quote. You need to indent for each paragraph
an amount of 5 spaces.

link to textbook:

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