Covid Vaccine – why won’t Americans get vaccinated

MLA Research Paper Checklist

MLA Format: My research paper has been prepared using the following format standards:
___Typed in 12-point font
___ Double spaced
___One inch margins around
___ No extra spaces between paragraphs
___Each paragraph is indented
___ Name, class, date, etc. are in upper left hand corner
___ last name and page number are in upper right hand corner
___ title is capitalized and centered above first paragraph
___paper looks like this model MLA paper

Introduction: My research paper includes an introduction that has:
___ an interesting hook that captures attention
___background on my topic
___ a strong thesis statement that clearly states a problem and solution
Body paragraphs each contain:
__Clear topic sentences that establish the point made in the paragraph
__Evidence and examples to support my point
__Closing sentences that wrap up and revisit the point
___ There is at least one paragraph that acknowledge and discuss arguments that go against the claims in my paper (feel free to include more)
__Counterarguments are explained and refuted
Sources and Plagiarism:
___ My research paper contains accurate information from at least 7 credible sources.
___This paper is written in my own words. Direct quotations and paraphrases have citations. Note: I understand that if any part of this research paper has been copied from a source without proper citations, it is considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and I will receive a grade of zero for this.
Use of quotes:
___Quotes are sandwiched when used in the paper (i.e. quote is introduced with context, quoted accurately, and then analyzed and explained in a way that connects the quote to your argument)
Internal Citing:
My research paper includes internal citations according to MLA standards:

___ Sources cited parenthetically (because they are either directly quoted or paraphrased) in the proper format. Example: (Davis 19).
___ Credit is given each time that the information is used, even if it is paraphrased or summarized.
___ Each source listed on my Works Cited page is cited at least once within my paper.
My research paper includes a conclusion that has:

___ A logical closing that ties together the main points of my paper.
___ A unique closing statement that does not repeat the opening statement and leaves the reader with something to think about.
Works Cited Page:
___Begins on a new page after the last page of my essay
___Entries are alphabetized according to the authors last name.
___ The words Works Cited are centered on the page
___ Entries are double-spaced.
___ Second line of entries are indented
___ There are at least 7 entries, 2 of which are from scholarly sources
___ Entries follow MLA style
Conventions (grammar and spelling):
___ I have spent time proofreading and editing my paper, and there are no errors that I can find.
___ I checked the work for clear and complete sentences.
___ I checked the spelling using the spell check tool on the computer.
___ I read the work for correct word usage that the computer spell checker wont
catch (to/too/two, theyre/their/there, then/than, etc.)
___ The first word in all sentences starts with a capital letter.
___Proper nouns that name a specific person, place, or thing have been capitalized.
___I have not used slang or text lingo (cause instead of because, till instead of until, aint, u, lol, etc.)
___Each sentence ends with a punctuation mark.
___ Commas are used in any series of three or more things (apples, oranges,
and pears).
___ Questions end with a question mark.
___ Quotation marks begin and end exact wording that come from a source
___MY ESSAY IS 8-10 pages and includes a WORKS CITED page (cannot receive a passing grade without one!)

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