Human Resource Management (HRM): Strategic Partnership

Week Eight: Final Research Paper Assignment:
Based on what you have learned and the independent research you conducted why is it important for HR Management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to becoming a strategic partner.
Paper Title: Human Resource Management (HRM): Strategic Partnership
Research Paper Instructions:
Using the major concepts learned in this course and the results of independent research write a research paper that addresses the following two main points. They become Level One Headings.
1. Differentiate why is it important for HR Management to transform from administrative and operational to becoming a strategic partner.
2. Analyze the background of HR history and data from a specific organization of your choice to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions.
Submission Instructions:
Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc or .docx format. No other formats can be accepted.
See the Sample APA formatted paper and other APA and Writing documents found in the classroom to use as a guide.
You must use the APA template provided- also attached
Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 4 5 page essay focusing on the main points above. You must also include a title page, Abstract, and reference page. The 4 5 pages do not include the title page, Abstract, and reference page.
Your paper must include an introduction that outlines the main points and a conclusion that summarizes the contents of the entire paper.
An Abstract is also required. The Sample APA Paper posted in Content shows how an Abstract should be created also there is more information on Abstract here: General Format // Purdue Writing Lab
The body of the paper must be organized using Headings and Subheadings
References: At least five references are required for this assignment (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources) properly listed on a reference page and properly cited in text.
You must use the APUS Library for all research in this class. Do not use Google or Wikipedia.
The research paper will be graded for APA format and proper citing, subject content, grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors and writing ability.
Submission Instructions/Check List:
APA Template used (attached)
Title Page correct
Abstract is included
Introduction included
The body of the paper addresses the main points of your discussion
Headings are used to organize the body of the paper– Review Announcement on Headings
In-Text Citations are correct
Conclusion included
All Text is double-spaced
Reference page correct and required five sources are listed
Paper is 4 5 pages in length not counting the title, Abstract, and reference pages.
Paper is in MS Word and submitted as an attachment in either a .doc or .docx format. The file name of your paper should be named in the following manner: Last nametruncated Week Number-Assignment name (abbreviated if necessary)
For example: Smith-Wk08-HRMT 407
Reference Materials
APUS Library
Classroom Content: The following are in Content
The APA paper template must be used for all written assignments. It is preformatted correctly and has additional information in text boxes.
APA Sample paper
APA Citation and Reference Guide
APA Style Guide
Abstract information
Various Writing Guides
Please ensure that you review the grading rubric for this assignment carefully, to ensure that you receive the highest possible grade for your work!
Citation and Reference Style
Attention Please: Students will follow the 7th edition of the APA Manual as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the University. Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the 7th edition of the APA manual. See the citation and reference guide in the Locker and the APUS APA Style Guide located in the on-line Library.

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