Survey Design Research Project

In this second mini methods project, you will be designing a 2-3 page single-spaced questionnaire as a mock (pretend) survey to gather data to help you analyze your research question. You will not be actually administering the survey–this is methodological assignment meant to help you create a rough draft of a survey that would help you gather data used to help answer your research question. You will submit this questionnaire ALONG with this 2-page report: Survey Report.docx

Follow the steps below to effectively accomplish this assignment!

Step 1: Conceptualize/Operationalize Your Research Question

Begin by going back to your original research question. What were your independent and dependent variables? Take each variable and go through the conceptualization process. What dimensions of the IV or DV are you most interested in? What are good ways to measure those dimensions? Do some brainstorming, knowing that eventually you will be creating questions to help you measure each dimension of your IV and DV.

Step 2: Choose a Sampling Plan

Even though we are not going to be actually giving out the survey, how you design your survey questions depend heavily on who you plan on giving the survey to. As a result, in this step, we want to brainstorm how will we be administering the survey. Review your notes from lecture and from readings. Go back and review the different ways you can sample a population. And then, go through the following:

Clearly identify the target population that you want to gather data from for your IVs and DVs (the population you want to sample).
Decide what is the best way to sample this population (i.e. choose a sampling strategy, like simple random sample, snowballing, etc.)–have reasons for why this is the best way to sample your intended population. Will you use a probability sample or a non-probability sample?
Consider how you would physically execute your sampling plan. Do you have a sampling frame? How would you find these individuals and ask them to participate in your survey?
Step 3: Design the Questionnaire

You will design a questionnaire (2-3 pages, single spaced) that might be used in a survey to gather data about your research question (you will not be required to actually administer the survey). The survey should try to capture multiple dimensions of your key variables—even simple variables can have depth, color, and dimension. Refer to step #1 and actually draft questions that would help you measure each dimension of your variables. (1) Brainstorm enough questions that you feel confident that you would be measuring your IV and DV effectively. Imagine getting your responses and how your responses might provide good, meaningful data to analyze. Your questionnaire should also effectively use different types of survey questions to get different degrees of measurements of your key variables.

You should keep in mind your sampling plan and who will be answering these questions when you draft your questionnaire. Once you have your brainstorm, (2) begin to actually draft these questions on a document, keeping in mind the tips about crafting an effective survey (such as different types of questions and answers, paying attention to wording, etc.).

After you have accomplished that, (3) reread and edit, checking the wording of each individual question. Once you have done that, (4) work on the order of the questions and make sure the survey flows logically and avoids introducing any bias.

Finally, (5) have someone take your survey (preferably someone who is part of the population you hope to sample in step #2) and give you feedback for altering your survey. Then make whatever edits and improvements you need to make!

Your questionnaire should be formatted in a way that you would use if you were actually conducting the survey. Make sure the format is easy to read and will not be difficult for respondents to answer. Be sure to provide appropriate spaces for respondents to check or write-in their answers. If you need examples of surveys, you can refer back to the GSS and also to the examples in readings/lecture: Survey Foundations and Survey Questions + Example

Questions should follow all the guidelines discussed in class and you will be graded based on the effective utilization of course content. For example, valuable use of different question types, effective and clear wording, ordering the questions to avoid bias, etc.

After constructing the survey, fill out this 2-page report answering the following questions: Survey Report.docx

You will submit both your questionnaire (50 points) and your filled-out report (50 points) on bCourses.

FAQ: (same Q&As from the previous project assignment)

Are we allowed to write more than the text box? Or what happens if we run out of room to answer the question?

Try to stay within the confines of the text box. In my opinion, the boxes give you plenty of room to answer each question. I would really assess the need for going beyond that. If you felt you needed to elongate one text box (by shortening another), you can do so (I am not instructing GSIs to take points off if you do), but again, I’m not sure why you would need to–it should be enough room.

What should I focus on in answering each of these questions?

Focus on showing your logical, step-by-step thinking and show your justifications for every choice you make. Try to apply course knowledge wherever you can–you might even review each concept before you write your answer so that you can really show your application of course knowledge accurate and precisely.

Also, be detailed and specific. Try to give examples or use specific language where you can to help your GSI understand what you are thinking.

Is there a right answer?

No, there is no right answer. There are, however, wrong answers. Any answer that you do not explain or justify is probably a wrong answer. But there is no magical answer that we are looking for–instead, we are looking for your explanations and justifications. We want to see your ability to design research and think like a social scientist.
In this second mini methods project, you will be designing a 2-3 page single-spaced questionnaire as a mock (pretend) survey to gather data to help you analyze your research question. You will not be actually administering the survey–this is methodological assignment meant to help you create a rough draft of a survey that would help you gather data used to help answer your research question. You will submit this questionnaire ALONG with this 2-page report: Survey Report.docx

Follow the steps below to effectively accomplish this assignment!

Step 1: Conceptualize/Operationalize Your Research Question

Begin by going back to your original research question. What were your independent and dependent variables? Take each variable and go through the conceptualization process. What dimensions of the IV or DV are you most interested in? What are good ways to measure those dimensions? Do some brainstorming, knowing that eventually you will be creating questions to help you measure each dimension of your IV and DV.

Step 2: Choose a Sampling Plan

Even though we are not going to be actually giving out the survey, how you design your survey questions depend heavily on who you plan on giving the survey to. As a result, in this step, we want to brainstorm how will we be administering the survey. Review your notes from lecture and from readings. Go back and review the different ways you can sample a population. And then, go through the following:

Clearly identify the target population that you want to gather data from for your IVs and DVs (the population you want to sample).
Decide what is the best way to sample this population (i.e. choose a sampling strategy, like simple random sample, snowballing, etc.)–have reasons for why this is the best way to sample your intended population. Will you use a probability sample or a non-probability sample?
Consider how you would physically execute your sampling plan. Do you have a sampling frame? How would you find these individuals and ask them to participate in your survey?
Step 3: Design the Questionnaire

You will design a questionnaire (2-3 pages, single spaced) that might be used in a survey to gather data about your research question (you will not be required to actually administer the survey). The survey should try to capture multiple dimensions of your key variables—even simple variables can have depth, color, and dimension. Refer to step #1 and actually draft questions that would help you measure each dimension of your variables. (1) Brainstorm enough questions that you feel confident that you would be measuring your IV and DV effectively. Imagine getting your responses and how your responses might provide good, meaningful data to analyze. Your questionnaire should also effectively use different types of survey questions to get different degrees of measurements of your key variables.

You should keep in mind your sampling plan and who will be answering these questions when you draft your questionnaire. Once you have your brainstorm, (2) begin to actually draft these questions on a document, keeping in mind the tips about crafting an effective survey (such as different types of questions and answers, paying attention to wording, etc.).

After you have accomplished that, (3) reread and edit, checking the wording of each individual question. Once you have done that, (4) work on the order of the questions and make sure the survey flows logically and avoids introducing any bias.

Finally, (5) have someone take your survey (preferably someone who is part of the population you hope to sample in step #2) and give you feedback for altering your survey. Then make whatever edits and improvements you need to make!

Your questionnaire should be formatted in a way that you would use if you were actually conducting the survey. Make sure the format is easy to read and will not be difficult for respondents to answer. Be sure to provide appropriate spaces for respondents to check or write-in their answers. If you need examples of surveys, you can refer back to the GSS and also to the examples in readings/lecture: Survey Foundations and Survey Questions + Example

Questions should follow all the guidelines discussed in class and you will be graded based on the effective utilization of course content. For example, valuable use of different question types, effective and clear wording, ordering the questions to avoid bias, etc.

After constructing the survey, fill out this 2-page report answering the following questions: Survey Report.docx

You will submit both your questionnaire (50 points) and your filled-out report (50 points) on bCourses.

FAQ: (same Q&As from the previous project assignment)

Are we allowed to write more than the text box? Or what happens if we run out of room to answer the question?

Try to stay within the confines of the text box. In my opinion, the boxes give you plenty of room to answer each question. I would really assess the need for going beyond that. If you felt you needed to elongate one text box (by shortening another), you can do so (I am not instructing GSIs to take points off if you do), but again, I’m not sure why you would need to–it should be enough room.

What should I focus on in answering each of these questions?

Focus on showing your logical, step-by-step thinking and show your justifications for every choice you make. Try to apply course knowledge wherever you can–you might even review each concept before you write your answer so that you can really show your application of course knowledge accurate and precisely.

Also, be detailed and specific. Try to give examples or use specific language where you can to help your GSI understand what you are thinking.

Is there a right answer?

No, there is no right answer. There are, however, wrong answers. Any answer that you do not explain or justify is probably a wrong answer. But there is no magical answer that we are looking for–instead, we are looking for your explanations and justifications. We want to see your ability to design research and think like a social scientist.

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