The Future Is Now by Katherine Anne Porter

Response Essay
Please write a response to this essay. You need to have a central idea, or a thesis statement. Your response could take the form of a letter to the authors (written in the first person) or it could be a more objective critique/response written to a general audience (written in the first or third person). As before, you might connect the essays youre addressing to current events or contemporary examples of the issue at hand (for instance immigration, the public role of religion, race, gender, or class issues, etc), and you can use your own experiences in the world to support your argument/response. Do not just write a summary of the whole story. You may of course briefly summarize the main ideas, point to or quote particular passages, etc., but you need to take a position in responding to these texts and support that position with your own critical thinking and examples.
No need for a works cited page. If you quote directly from an essay, cite the authors last name (if unclear who the author is) and the page number after the quote in parentheses (in-text citation, MLA format).
Your paper should be about 600 words, double-spaced, 12 point font.

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