The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the passion narratives, specifically, how do the events in the final week of Jesus’ life inform Christian life today?

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the passion narratives, specifically, how do the events in the final week of Jesus’ life inform Christian life today?
Overview: The final week of Jesus’ life includes the central events of the Christian story. Many traditions observe Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday, continuing through observance of the crucifixion on Good Friday, and ending with the celebration of the resurrection on Easter. For the Apostle Paul, in later books in the New Testament, all of Christian faith and life hinges on the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Instructions: For this week’s assignment you should write a 300-350 word essay in response to this prompt:
How do the final chapters in John (Chapters 17-21) inform your understanding of how followers of Jesus should live?
For example, what are the appropriate actions and beliefs that ought to characterize a follower of Jesus?
To answer this question, you might consider the good or bad example of specific characters, the final prayer of Jesus, the example of trust in God set by Jesus, the way Jesus gives to his disciples after his resurrection, and so forth. Be specific in your answer, drawing on two different passages, each from a different chapter. Be sure to cite your sources in APA format.

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