evaluate and interpret one of the short stories we have studied so far. Consider how the author makes use of the elements of the craft: such as, style, setting, character, plot, point of view, structure, symbolism, and/or theme. How do those elements create meaning? How do those elements work together (or not)? Does the story prove itself to be masterful or garbage (or somewhere in between)?
Your paper should be well-organized, containing a introduction, a thesis, a body, and a conclusion (note: your conclusion should not regurgitate the argument and evidence provided throughout the essay, but instead, it should, in some way, address the question, So what?). There must be a central, guiding argumenta thrust to the paperwhich sets out to prove a point.
Be sure to use MLA format (you can find information about it here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
(Links to an external site.)
, https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/02/
(Links to an external site.)
, and https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/05/
(Links to an external site.)
) as any violations of those rules will result in a lower grade (up to twenty points off). Your use of language should be vivid and vigorous but still concise and clear. Lastly, your paragraphs should be well-organized and conform to the grammatical and mechanical conventions of standard American-English.
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