Week 4 Discussion- Renarda

Post: Think back to the video for this week, and the illustration of the Moonwalking Bear. Think carefully and critically about how this illustration demonstrates some of the fundamental cognitive errors that play into our perceptions of others? What happens when we have preconceived beliefs about race, or gender, or ability, or sexuality, or language, or socio-economic status? Why is it such a challenge for us to respect folks who see things differently from us? Is it ever possible to see people objectively, and if not, what should we do about it?
This post does not require external resources. Use the resource of your own experience. How have people made assumptions about you? If you’re really brave, you can share how you’ve made assumptions about others. Engage in a respectful and mutually edifying discussion about how we can do better – together – in seeing people for who they are, instead of seeing people for how we subconsciously believe them to be.

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