What are the demographic characteristics of the sample of RN’s?

1. Rubric and data.CSV attached
2. All graphs and (normal distribution, linear fit scattered plot, finding p values, etc
3. Detailed explanation required with intext citations.
4.Formatting Appendices Help attached
Purpose of the Assignment: The purpose of this team assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of statistical tests, application of the correct statistical test to answer a research question, interpretation of the statistical results in common English language, and application of the findings to nursing practice, research, and education.
Detailed Description of the Assignment: The final Unit 5 assignment requires statistical analysis and interpretation of a data set weve been using since Unit 1. Included in the paper will be the application of the findings to nursing practice, research, and education. Youve been working on the statistical tests and the interpretation across the weekly activities. Each Units activities have built upon this final assignment. Now it is time to pull our analyses and interpretations together in a report format. Please follow the rubric criteria at the bottom of this page for your final assignment.
*Closely read and follow the detailed instructions on the grading rubric at the bottom of this page. The charts and tables you will need in the paper are fully described on the rubric.
Summary list of the grading rubric questions to be answered:
1. Is the variable “Years of Experience” normally distributed? Is there a linear relationship between the variable’s years of experience and household income?
2. Is there a statistically significant difference between the pretest mean cholesterol levels (PretestChol) of the control and intervention groups?

Unit 5 Assignment Student Learning Outcome(s)
Integrate evidence-based nursing practice and related sciences to improve nursing care to individuals, families, and communities.
Demonstrate role development by performing in the role of nurse leader or educator by integrating the concepts related to the area of practice demonstrating expertise, evidence-based practice, and the appropriate competencies.

Week 5 Final Assignment
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
APA and general formatting
Follows APA Format 6th or most current edition.
Cover page with Originality Statement.
Body of paper, double-spaced lines, correct use of headings and subheadings, correct use of in-text citations.
Direct quotes and paraphrasing done per APA guidelines. Maximum 5% of total word count in direct quotes.
Reference page formatted for the type of resource used, includes DOI where needed.
Appendices appropriately formatted; figures and charts appropriately formatted.
Introduction and conclusions paragraph present; includes purpose statement to paper.
15 to >13.0 pts
Exemplary. APA shows mastery and there are no spelling, grammar, or formatting issues identified. Originality report shows 0%. In-text and reference citations are in APA format without error. Originality report shows 0%.
13 to >11.0 pts
Accomplished. APA Format is followed with < 3 formatting errors. Spelling and grammar are near-perfect with < 3 errors. No evidence of plagiarism or questions of originality in document. All in text citations are correctly done and all references on reference page are in APA format with < 3 errors. Originality Report < 2%. 11 to >8.0 pts
Developing. Attempts made to demonstrate APA formatting, but multiple errors remain in APA, grammar, or spelling. Direct Quotes and paraphrasing show effort toward recognizing authors correctly, but originality is still lacking. Weak effort to APA Writing Style formatting.
8 to >0 pts
Beginning. Title page, body of text, references, and appendices not formatted in APA format. Spelling and grammar errors are many. Formatting line spacing, spacing after punctuation do not follow APA. More than 5% direct quotes. Direct quotes and paraphrasing not correctly noted. Evidence of plagiarism.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
RQ1: What are the demographic characteristics of the sample of RN’s?
Report in paragraph format the sample size, gender, age in years, household income, years in current position, years RN experience, Type of Nursing Specialty, Highest Education Level, Participation on a Council, and Years Until Retirement.
Include at least one clearly labelled bar chart and one pie chart for a variable of your choice.
Use a table to display the data counts, percentages, means, and standard deviations for all demographic characteristics. See Table 5.5, page 135 in APA Manual for an example.
10 to >8.0 pts
Exemplary. All criteria met. Writing clear. Table written in APA format. Statistical answers accurate.
8 to >6.0 pts
Accomplished. Missing 1 criteria, writing clear, table formatting not APA, statistical answers accurate.
6 to >4.0 pts
Developing. Missing 1 criteria, writing unclear, table formatting not APA, statistical answers accurate.
4 to >0 pts
Beginning. Missing more than 1 criteria, writing unclear, table formatting not in APA format, and statistical answers incorrect.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
RQ2: Is the variable Years of Experience normally distributed? Show on histogram and support your answer. Is there a linear relationship between the variables years of experience and household income? Show on a scatterplot and support your answer.
Report in paragraph format the answer to the research questions.
Use a clearly labelled and titled histogram and scatterplot to support your answers.
10 to >8.0 pts
Exemplary. All criteria met. Writing clear. Statistical answers accurate. Histogram and scatterplots labelled.
8 to >6.0 pts
Accomplished. All criteria met, writing may be unclear but statistical answers are correct. Histogram and scatterplots may lack clear labels for interpretation.
6 to >4.0 pts
Developing. One criteria unmet, writing may be unclear but statistical answers are correct. Histogram and scatterplots may lack clear labels.
4 to >0 pts
Beginning. One or more criteria missing, statistical answers incorrect, histogram and scatterplots lack clear labelling for interpretation.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
RQ3: Is there a statistically significant difference between the pretest mean cholesterol levels (PretestChol) of the control and intervention groups?
Select the appropriate test.
Answer in paragraph format including the statistical results as you would see written in a standard research report Results section and as practiced in class.
Include the clearly labelled and titled statistical software output in the Appendices.
10 to >8.0 pts
Exemplary. The appropriate test was conducted. The answer is clear in 3-parts (test stated, results stated, interpretation in plain English), output in the Appendices clearly labelled for interpretation.
8 to >6.0 pts
Accomplished. The appropriate test was conducted but the answers lacked the 3-part response. Output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
6 to >4.0 pts
Developing. An incorrect test was conducted but a 3-part response was stated for the result. The output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
4 to >0 pts
Beginning. An incorrect test was conducted and the response lacks the 3-part explanation. Output may/may not be clearly labelled for interpretation.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
RQ4: Is mean RN satisfaction (NurseSatisMean) related to Income Groups (IncomeGrp) of the RNs?
Select the appropriate test.
Answer in paragraph format including the statistical results as you would see written in a standard research report Results section and as practiced in class.
Include the clearly labelled and titled statistical software output in the Appendices.
10 to >8.0 pts
Exemplary. The appropriate test was conducted. The answer is clear in 3-parts (test stated, results stated, interpretation in plain English), output in the Appendices clearly labelled for interpretation.
8 to >6.0 pts
Accomplished. The appropriate test was conducted but the answers lacked the 3-part response. Output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
6 to >4.0 pts
Developing. An incorrect test was conducted but a 3-part response was stated for the result. The output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
4 to >0 pts
Beginning. An incorrect test was conducted and the response lacks the 3-part explanation. Output may/may not be clearly labelled for interpretation.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
RQ5: Is there a statistically significant association between Participation on a Council (ParticipateCouncil) and Continuing Nursing Education (ContHigherEd)?
Select the appropriate test.
Answer in paragraph format including the statistical results as you would see written in a standard research report Results section and as practiced in class.
Include the clearly labelled and titled statistical software output in the Appendices.
10 pts
Exemplary. The appropriate test was conducted. The answer is clear in 3-parts (test stated, results stated, interpretation in plain English), output in the Appendices clearly labelled for interpretation.
8 pts
Accomplished. The appropriate test was conducted but the answers lacked the 3-part response. Output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
6 pts
Developing. An incorrect test was conducted but a 3-part response was stated for the result. The output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
4 pts
Beginning. An incorrect test was conducted and the response lacks the 3-part explanation. Output may/may not be clearly labelled for interpretation.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
RQ6: Is the age of the nurse associated with their pretest cholesterol level (Pretest Chol)?
Select the appropriate test.
Answer in paragraph format including the statistical results as you would see written in a standard research report Results section and as practiced in class.
Include the clearly labelled and titled statistical software output in the Appendices.
10 to >8.0 pts
Exemplary. The appropriate test was conducted. The answer is clear in 3-parts (test stated, results stated, interpretation in plain English), output in the Appendices clearly labelled for interpretation.
8 to >6.0 pts
Accomplished. The appropriate test was conducted but the answers lacked the 3-part response. Output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
6 to >4.0 pts
An incorrect test was conducted but a 3-part response was stated for the result. The output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
4 to >0 pts
Beginning. An incorrect test was conducted and the response lacks the 3-part explanation. Output may/may not be clearly labelled for interpretation.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
RQ7: Can the number of years of RN experience (YrsRNExp) predict the number of medication errors (NumMedErrorsreported) a nurse will make?
Select the appropriate test.
Answer in paragraph format including the statistical results as you would see written in a standard research report Results section and as practiced in class.
Include the clearly labelled and titled statistical software output in the Appendices.
10 to >8.0 pts
Exemplary. The appropriate test was conducted. The answer is clear in 3-parts (test stated, results stated, interpretation in plain English), output in the Appendices clearly labelled for interpretation.
8 to >6.0 pts
Accomplished. The appropriate test was conducted but the answers lacked the 3-part response. Output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
6 to >4.0 pts
Developing. An incorrect test was conducted but a 3-part response was stated for the result. The output in the appendices is clearly labelled for interpretation.
4 to >0 pts
Beginning.An incorrect test was conducted and the response lacks the 3-part explanation. Output may/may not be clearly labelled for interpretation.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Conclusions in Plain English
Summarize the results of the investigation in terms that a bedside nurse would understand.
Apply the results to nursing practice, research, and education.
15 to >13.0 pts
Exemplary. The results of each test are clearly summarized and understandable from the bedside nurses perspective (Plain English). Clear statements apply the results to nursing practice, research, and education.
13 to >11.0 pts
Accomplished. The results of each test are summarized but not understandable in Plain English. The statements applying the results to nursing practice, research, and education may be confusing.
11 to >8.0 pts
Developing. Some results of each test are not summarized or are not understandable in Plain English. The Results may/may not been applied to practice, research, and education.
8 to >0 pts
Beginning. The results of each test are not clearly summarized in Plain English. The results are not applied to nursing practice, research, or education.
15 pts
Total Points: 100

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