For this exam you will be asked to select only one of the following questions. The paper will require that you use your book and 2 to 4 outside sources. The sources can be obtained from refereed journals, magazines, newspapers, books, and the internet. Proper citations and reference page will be required. The style that you should use to write your paper is the ASA (American Sociological Association) format. A good guide for using the ASA format can be found at Your paper should be 5-7 double spaced pages, not including the cover page and reference page, no abstract required. The font should be Times New Roman 12, this only because my vision isnt the best and it is a clear typing font. Best of luck to all of you and I know all your papers will be successes. This paper is due in 1 week, submit it to canvas.
Select One
1. Poverty is a topic that often discussed in two positions, blaming the poor or blaming the social structure. Choose one of the positions and discuss. Remember the position you choose has a positive or negative side, choose one.
2. Discuss social stratification in the U.S. What are the effects of stratification in issues of race, class, or gender?
3. Discuss dependency theory. How do U.S. corporations contribute to this?
4. Stereotyping plays a major role on how we view others. Media plays an important role in this issue. Choose a stereotype and discuss how media influences the stereo type (ex. Blacks are better athletes).
5. How does the family and religion work together in the socialization process? Give an example.
6. Discuss inequality in health care. Choose race, class, or gender and discuss.
7. Discuss self-fulfilling prophecy Give an example of how this idea affects education.
8. 50 shades of gray is a popular book and movie. Discuss how this affects sex and power roles in U.S. society.
9. Birth control is a choice that women should decide. How have men become involved in the birth control debate?
10. Using gender division of labor, choose an occupation and discuss it in terms of division of labor.
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