Explain how when a someone commits a crime, a guilty conscience and un-confessed sin causes more torment and anguish than the physical punishment or consequences for the crime.

You will write a literary analysis paper on the text presented in the last page (click here to see the text). In your paper, explore how the author conveys his rhetorical stance that when someone commits a crime, a guilty conscience and un-confessed sin cause more torment and anguish than physical punishment. You may include other references in addition to your comments on this excerpt. Be sure to analyze tone, metaphor, simile, diction, style, and most importantly, the core meaning of the selections.
Criteria for This Assignment
Length and Formatting Requirements
One to three pages (750 to 1200 words), double spaced
Times New Roman, 12-point font
Content Requirements
Develop your topic and argument logically and cohesively.
Your thesis should drive the content of your essay.
State specific examples of the literary techniques in your essay (for example, don’t just say the author uses his diction to convey his message; be specific about how and why.)
If you reference additional sources, you must cite your sources in-text and in a Works Cited page.
As you work on the assignment, please review the note on plagiarism if you have any questions as to what you may or may not use from the presented materials and/or outside sources in your paper.
Must be in APA
Literary Analysis
When you write a literary analysis essay, you should focus on the following elements: tone, diction, syntax, author’s point of view, structure, imagery, and dramatic context of a selection. As you explore and analyze the prose below, make notes about the literary elements you notice and begin to consider how the author develops his theme.
The following is an excerpt from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky uses his story to explain how when a someone commits a crime, a guilty conscience and un-confessed sin causes more torment and anguish than the physical punishment or consequences for the crime. Tip: For enrichment, read the whole text of Crime and Punishment.
If he has a conscience he will suffer for his mistake. That will be his punishment–as well as the prison…
Siberia. On the banks of a broad solitary river stands a town, one of the administrative centers of Russia; in the town there is a prison. In the prison the second-class convict Rodion Raskolnikov has been confined for nine months. Almost a year and a half has passed since his crime. There had been little difficulty about his trial. The criminal adhered exactly, firmly, and clearly to his statement. He did not confuse nor misrepresent the facts, nor soften them in his own interest, nor omit the smallest detail. He explained every incident of the murder, the secret of the piece of wood with a strip of metal which was found in the murdered woman’s hand. He described how he had taken her keys, what they were like, as well as the chest and its contents; he explained the mystery of Lizaveta’s murder; described how Koch and, after him, the student knocked, and repeated all they had said to one another; how he afterwards had run downstairs and heard Nikolay and Dmitri shouting; how he had hidden in the empty flat and afterwards gone home…The sentence, however, was more merciful than could be expected, perhaps partly because the criminal had not tried to justify himself, but had rather shown a desire to exaggerate his guilt.

… In prison, how it happened, he did not know. But all at once something seemed to seize him and fling him at [Sonia’s] feet. He wept and threw his arms round her knees. They were both pale and thin; but those sick pale faces were bright with the dawn of a new future, of a full resurrection into a new life…Under his pillow lay the New Testament. He took it up mechanically. The book belonged to Sonia; it was the one from which she had read the raising of Lazarus to him…But that is the beginning of a new story–the story of the gradual renewal of a man, the story of his gradual regeneration, of his passing from one world into another, of his initiation into a new unknown life. That might be the subject of a new story…
In the following assignment, you will write a literary analysis paper on the text above.

Write a hypothetical case study where this ethical dilemma may appear (related to addictions counseling) and propose a way you would resolve the dilemma.

This week you will reflect upon the role of an addictions professional addressing treatment team members and write a paper answering the following questions:
After reviewing the 2016 NAADAC/NCC AP Code of Professional Ethics, identify one area that may create an ethical dilemma between personal and professional standards/principles.
Write a hypothetical case study where this ethical dilemma may appear (related to addictions counseling) and propose a way you would resolve the dilemma. Be specific and provide rationale (i.e., legal considerations, etc.).
Reflect on why you think there are so many ethical dilemmas between personal and professional standards/principles and predict whether this will get better or worse in the future with applicable rationale.
Assignment Expectations:
1500 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner
Include a title page and reference page in APA style
Use at least 3 scholarly or career-field sources. Include the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions

Discuss ways in which the narratives of Harriet Jacobs and Olaudah Equiano are similar or different.

Discuss ways in which the narrations of Harriet Jacobs and Equiano are similar OR different. Be sure to explain specifc elements, such as style and content.

Here are a few links.
https://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Harriet_Jacobs/Incidents_in_the_Life_of_a_Slave_Girl/ “Preface -Childhood”
https://www.gutenberg.org/files/15399/15399-h/15399-h.htm Ch.1 & 2.

What internal and external lines of defense will stop or slow the spread?

Topic: The immune system is a daunting system to cover. However, it is critical for a healthcare professional to understand how the immune system works. This week you will provide a written response that analyzes the mechanism of action for the three lines of defense in the immune system.
You will write a 2000-2250 word essay, not including the Title and References pages (typed, 12-point font, double spaced).
This will be a two-part essay. The first part will discuss the lines of defense within the body including the physical barriers, the innate immune system, phagocytosis, immunological surveillance, interferons, inflammation, humoral immunity, and cell-mediated immunity.
The second part of the essay will require you to review scholarly research on the COVID-19 virus. The Coronavirus link in the Additional Materials for this Module will help you get started in the research process.
Please base your responses on scholarly research and answer the following questions:
How does COVID-19 spread from person to person? What internal and external lines of defense will stop or slow the spread? How does the body work to fight infection through the three lines of defense?
Required Topics to Address:
Physical barriers, the first line of defense
The second line of defense, the innate immune system
Immunological Surveillance
The third line of defense, humoral immunity
The third line of defense, cell-mediated immunity
Review scholarly research on the COVID-19 pandemic. Describe how this virus spreads and what internal and external lines of defense will stop the spread.
Assignment Expectations:
Length: 2000-2250 words
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Write a review article which is to be published in an SCI journal.

Write a review article which is to be published in an SCI journal.
It should contain at least one schematic figure and a table.
About topic: 1) Nanodomain is a subcompartment on plasma membrane enriched in specific lipids like sterols and proteins. Localization of proteins in these nanodomains has important implications for cellular processes like cell signalling. 2) Number of review papers has been written about nanodomains’ formation, regulation and size etc. Focus of this article is how these nanodomains change (Change in composition, size etc.) to fine tune cellular processes.
In case of less data availability, topic can be changed to “Subunit stoichiometry of protein complexes changes to modulate cellular processes”. I have attached some papers related to this topic. Size of one of these papers is too much to be uploaded so I have written its tile only; “AMPAR/TARP stoichiometry differentially modulates channel properties”.

What are your feelings on a traditional salary structure (many levels) vs. simplified pay bands?

The following exercise introduces you to pay equity in a corporate context and team discussion and collaboration.

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following:
What are your feelings on a traditional salary structure (many levels) vs. simplified pay bands?
Have your thoughts on salary structure changed after this exercise?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using salary bands?
What do you think about simplified salary bands? What are pros and cons?
How do we justify different salaries for essentially same work