Chapter Review of Lords of Things”Chapter 2 -spaces”

First of all I would like to state that this is a very demanding assignment and I can give you some extra pay to ensure that it is completed to a high quality.
Assignment requirements:
I need you to prepare an oral presentation for me, we will be working with three people for the whole presentation, I will be responsible for the second part of the book which is spaces, I would like you to read the whole part2 carefully before you start to prepare your writing for this assignment.
This professor has a very special habit of asking you questions about the meaning of complex terms in the presentation, so I need you to help me by marking the corresponding explanations in the book (or your simple understanding) next to the complex terms or concepts in advance.
In addition, this professor is very logical, so your presentation must follow the logic of his book, and must be concise and not overly complicated.
I will prepare a review of the book written by someone else that you can refer to for some useful information, but of course you cannot copy everything from the review into the speech.

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