Discuss whether social justice movements are conducted on-line vulnerable to misinformation?

1.Framing social movements:

George Lakoff differentiates between two different worldviews: a “strict father” morality vs. a “nurturant parent” morality.
In your initial post, pick either the “strict father” or “nurturant parent” morality. How would you convince someone with that worldview that a social justice movement should be promoted? Hint: you will have to get in their heads – understand how they would see a social justice movement, in order to understand what would motivate them.

2.Mass Media & Social Justice Movements

Discuss whether social justice movements are conducted on-line vulnerable to misinformation? Find a relatively short, non-academic mass media article online (i.e., NOT a private post on social media, a social media summary of a newspaper article, etc.) that describes one social movement or one event related to a social movement (e.g., a protest). Find a second source that describes the same topic, but from a different perspective. Note, https://www.allsides.com/unbiased-balanced-news is a great resource to use to find articles on the same issue with different perspectives.

For each, describe your source, then conduct a brief analysis of the authority and perspective. Is the authority and perspective represented within the source clear? Does it seem to be valid? How do you know that these two articles take different perspectives? what characteristics of a social movement would result in it being represented positively in mass media?
Based on your own experience, how do you think the representations of a social movement in mass media would be different than the way the same movements would be represented in social media? How does social media affect the way mass media coverage of social justice movements is viewed and spread?

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