Does the word/name in each parenthetical reference match the first word/name in the corresponding Works Cited entry?

Annotated Bibliography
Argumentative Paper Annotated Bibliography (25 pts)
An annotated bibliography is a useful intermediate step towards creating any research paper. In an annotated bibliography, you will arrange your sources as a works cited page would be, with a brief summary and response under each entry, and one pertinent quote with appropriate citation from each entry. Part of the goal of such an assignment is to demonstrate that you have read your sources and considered how they will (or will not) be useful to your argument.
For this assignment, create an annotated bibliography of the sources you will use for your Argumentative Paper Annotated Bibliography
Argumentative Paper Annotated Bibliography (25 pts)
An annotated bibliography is a useful intermediate step towards creating any research paper. In an annotated bibliography, you will arrange your sources as a works cited page would be, with a brief summary and response under each entry, and one pertinent quote with appropriate citation from each entry. Part of the goal of such an assignment is to demonstrate that you have read your sources and considered how they will (or will not) be useful to your argument.
For this assignment, create an annotated bibliography of the sources you will use for your
Argumentative Paper Argumentation/Persuasive Essay Checklist
Use this checklist to ensure you are on the right path before submitting your final draft:
Did you use research material in this assignment? Research is REQUIRED for this assignment.
Do you have a Works Cited page at the end of your essay with the title Works Cited?
Do you have at least three sources? At least two of the sources must be scholarly peer reviewed sources.
Are those three sources cited in the paper using either paraphrases or direct quotations?
Did you define words, use a dictionary, or use an encyclopedia? If so, those sources and information from those sources must be removed. Most common words or words used with their well-known definition do not need to be defined in an essay. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are NOT argumentative sources.
Did you use MLA 8th edition to cite your sources within the text?
Have you used parenthetical references within the text to show that you are paraphrasing or quoting?
Does the word/name in each parenthetical reference match the first word/name in the corresponding Works Cited entry?
Is your thesis a single, concise sentence?
Does the thesis state the argument the essay will make?
Is the file properly named, as advised?
Does the essay refer to itself? (For example, are you writing lines like, “In this essay, I will . . .? If so, remove them.)
Does your paper have the correct MLA format (margin, font, space, etc)?
Did you run spell check?
Does your conclusion make a “so what” point?
Have you met the minimum word requirement?
Have all contractions been removed? (This is a formal essay.)
Does the essay have logical transitions throughout?
Are all of your sentences in each paragraph in the subject + verb sentence structure?
Argumentation/Persuasive Essay
Argumentation Essay
Write a 1000-1500 word argumentation/persuasion essay using any approach as a method of development.
You MUST cite a minimum of three references/sources (At least two of the sources must be scholarly peer reviewed sources). Research is REQUIRED for this essay.
An effective argumentative essay must have evidence to make its case; most arguments that occur in daily life happen in the heat of the moment and are more likely directed toward saving one’s own pride than toward giving clear and supportive proof to one’s claims.
Writing Approach
Knowing how to brainstorm is going to save you from writing a weak essay. Also, knowing how to support your claims with evidence from outside sources will further strengthen your essay. For that reason, this assignment requires the use of three references/sources. In addition, you will add a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. Finally, your Works Cited page will be in MLA (Modern Language Association) format so that all information provided will be easy for your reader to find.
Before attempting this essay:
Review all of the chapter sections located in Lessons 6 and 7.
Review the available documents and sources located at the Helpful Resources folder on the course menu.
Writing Assignment
Purpose: to persuade
Method of Development: your choice
Choose your own topic, but make sure that it is something that can actually be argued. You cannot argue something that is a fact. You can argue for or against something. Some examples are:
Should teenagers be able to play violent video games?
Should cellphones be allowed in the classroom?
Is social media destroying the way we communicate?
The above items can be argued but there are many others to choose from. The choice is yours. If you have something in mind but you are unsure if it will work as an argumentative/persuasive essay, please send me a message through the Messages link for assistance. Argumentation/Persuasive Essay
Argumentation Essay
Write a 1000-1500 word argumentation/persuasion essay using any approach as a method of development.
You MUST cite a minimum of three references/sources (At least two of the sources must be scholarly peer reviewed sources). Research is REQUIRED for this essay.
An effective argumentative essay must have evidence to make its case; most arguments that occur in daily life happen in the heat of the moment and are more likely directed toward saving one’s own pride than toward giving clear and supportive proof to one’s claims.
Writing Approach
Knowing how to brainstorm is going to save you from writing a weak essay. Also, knowing how to support your claims with evidence from outside sources will further strengthen your essay. For that reason, this assignment requires the use of three references/sources. In addition, you will add a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. Finally, your Works Cited page will be in MLA (Modern Language Association) format so that all information provided will be easy for your reader to find.

Writing Assignment
Purpose: to persuade
Method of Development: your choice
Choose your own topic, but make sure that it is something that can actually be argued. You cannot argue something that is a fact. You can argue for or against something. Some examples are:
Should teenagers be able to play violent video games?
Should cellphones be allowed in the classroom?
Is social media destroying the way we communicate?
The above items can be argued but there are many others to choose from. The choice is yours. If you have something in mind but you are unsure if it will work as an argumentative/persuasive essay, please send me a message through the Messages link for assistance.

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