M proposal: Mongolian Grill (Ivey Case)

Proposal’s Potential Pricing & Revenue Optimization Analysis:
Demand forecast: weekly & annual dinner at Waterloo, highlighting critical time periods and newly
Conclusion. Proposal’s overall impact including client’s capital investment recuperation and justify why your 5 proposal should be chosen.
Propose Operations Management strategy: 20  operations efficiency improvements and overall service experience strategies. Demonstrate how these
strategies will further enhance the above chosen option / if no option was chosen, how these strategies
plan’s impact on service experience and capacity management (total dinner capacity and perished opportunity)
introduced day‐parts
Revenue and Yield forecast: weekly & annual dinner at Waterloo, highlighting critical time period and newly introduced day‐parts.
Compare current and proposed revenue: weekly & annual dinner at Waterloo, highlighting critical time period and newly introduced day‐parts.

dont use outside sources just use the file i have bz is proposal presentstion of the stucixdy case and make sure to do all the requiremnts of 2E

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