Movie name: Overcomer
Group Presentation and Critical Film Analysis (15 points)-The class will be randomly divided into groups (3 to 4 students per movie).
As a group, engage democratically and vote on a movie. Each movie has characters that represent a stage of the human development. The movie assigned to each group will illustrate behavioral patterns, conflicting pressures of roles and lifestyles, and action sequences common to a particular age category.
Each group should concentrate on the main character in that life stage and how they conform and deviate from expected behavior and action described in the course text and supplemental readings (4 points).
Remember to include major theories of development (max of 2) in your analysis (4 points). Each group will give a 20-minute zoom recording of a PowerPoint presentation (7 points) and turn in an 8-page paper (4 students = 2 pages each) not including the cover page and reference page, summarizing the biopsychosocial analysis of the main character(s) of the selected film, based on the theories of developmental phases covered in class. This will also be submitted through Turnitin on Canvas. WRITING CENTER CAN ASSIST WITH APA FORMATTING AND ORIGINALITY REPORTS GENERATED BY TURNITIN.COM.
Presentation: In your PowerPoint presentation, highlight the key information as opposed to reading the content of your paper. If a film clip is shown it should last no longer than 2 minutes, as the film should not be expected to explain itself. Presentations will be timed, the minimum is 15 minutes, no more than 20 minutes.
Record your presentation on Zoom and upload in a google drive and share the link. Ensure that each member of the group has an opportunity to participate.
1) Who the caracter? What is the developmental stage we will focus on?
2)Orgagnizing it using biopsychosocial framework.
choosing two theories to integrate.
each of us has to cover a section. I have to write 2 pages pus the powerpoint presentation.
i will upload the book so you could choose two theories
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