Correctly report the results of each statistical test. Don’t forget to introduce your test by telling us why you conducted it.

Assignment Question

This project needs a revised results section.

1. In general, you need to correctly report the results of each statistical test. -Don’t forget to introduce your test by telling us why you conducted it. “To test if X was different than Y on the DV, we ran an independent sample t-test. People in group X reported [similar / different] DV (Group Stats) as people in group Y (Group Stats, t-test stats)”

2. Be sure your p-values are reported correctly, and match your interpretation.

3. Don’t forget a one-sample t-test. An idea: see if the mean of your DV is different from the midpoint of the Likert Scale (e.g., if rated on a scale of 1-7, midpoint is 4)