Assignment Question
This paper should be concise in length (about two pages, five paragraphs) but powerful in substance. Being concise, every word counts. The aim is sharp (i) explication of a proposed ethical principle and (ii) analysis of its application to a challenging practical scenario.
Your paper should thus do two main things:
First, it should clearly and accurately explicate a proposed ethical principle that has been discussed in the reading. This explication should illuminate the importance of that principle, indicating why it matters whether this principle is right or wrong.
Secondly, your paper should consider the application of this principle to a specific practical challenge—either a real-world event/problem or an imagined but plausible scenario—and evaluate the strength of the principle on the basis of how well it deals with this challenge.
Note: The case you work with should be relevant and bring out something of import about the principle and its potential strength or weakness.